#GangStalking #DirectedEnergyWeapons #HIPPAViolations #SurveillanceCapitalism #ChildAbuse #USA #CivilRightsAbuse #ACAB #PeepingTomPolice
#peepingtompolice #ACAB #civilrightsabuse #USA #childabuse #SurveillanceCapitalism #hippaviolations #directedenergyweapons #gangstalking
@jentrification sorry camera, thats costs 888 million per second of scan after I give consent which I do not. #HIPPAViolations
Pig psyops say the word neurorights while pushing sound waves into my right eardrum and tries to read my thoughts. Haven't experienced a clearer hypocrisy. #HavanaSyndrome #GangStalkedonLI #DirectedEnergyWeapons #NeuroWeapons #HumanRightsViolations #HIPPAViolations #USA #NY
#ny #USA #hippaviolations #humanrightsviolations #neuroweapons #directedenergyweapons #gangstalkedonli #havanasyndrome
The whole operation is so transparent- after Post and Bluesky, Facebook and Twitter before. Let us make our own opinions. Can't you see it didn't work? Trump lost Bigly, we aren't regressing. We flow like the river of humanity. Cannot predict that. #HIPPAViolations #PsyOps
I have major problems with this, particularly when there is no way to “opt out” privacy wise. I’m disappointed in #microsoft and #Epic. It is time for Congress to implement guardrails with regard to #ai . And federal agencies that safeguard #hippaviolations should be monitoring this information too! #medicine #privacy https://arstechnica.com/information-technology/2023/04/gpt-4-will-hunt-for-trends-in-medical-records-thanks-to-microsoft-and-epic/
#microsoft #ai #hippaviolations #medicine #privacy #ePic
Now that we all know Cops attack and/sue people when their feelings get hurt, I hope we have some acceptance and caring for those targeted with #HavanaSyndrome, like my daughter and I. #HIPPAViolations #GangStalkedonLI
#gangstalkedonli #hippaviolations #havanasyndrome
@AJEnglish wouldn't attacking people with signal stalking be domestic terrorism as well? Who's going to arrest police? #HIPPAViolations #HumanRights
#HIPPAViolations #HavanaSyndrome #HumanRights #CivilRights. Whatcha doing with these drones? give the sh!thead Nazis Toys to play with, how does it improve my daughter's life? My Life? 1/
Feds buy Chinese drones deemed possible national security threat
#civilrights #HumanRights #havanasyndrome #hippaviolations #spyballoon
#NeuroRights #CivilRights #gangstalkedonLI #HIPPAViolations #SignalIntel #NoumanFuckedDemetra in a parking lot. #BinkyLee
#binkylee #noumanfuckeddemetra #signalintel #hippaviolations #gangstalkedonli #civilrights #neurorights
#HavanaSyndrome #TaxesBack #HIPPAViolations #HumanRightsNow
The participation of private companies, including some that have been the subjects of protests, in fusion centers raises the possibility that these operations sometimes serve private interests rather than public safety.
#humanrightsnow #hippaviolations #taxesback #havanasyndrome
#HIPPAViolations #HavanaSyndrome #HumanRightsNow #LongIslandNY
"Palantir data fusion platforms (often used for predictive policing), social media surveillance software, cell site simulators"
#longislandny #humanrightsnow #havanasyndrome #hippaviolations
Again, I'd like my #taxesback. Don't use US sonar you jealous megalomaniacs. Here is a link to a bs hearings which somehow allows pedos to stalk me and my kid. #HavanaSyndrome #IllegalTorture #HIPPAViolations #childtrafficking
#childtrafficking #hippaviolations #illegaltorture #havanasyndrome #taxesback
Again, I'd like my #taxesback. Don't use US sonar you jealous megalomaniacs. Here is a link to a bs hearings which somehow allows pedos to stalk me and my kid. #HavanaSyndrome #IllegalTorture #HIPPAViolations #childtrafficking
#childtrafficking #hippaviolations #illegaltorture #havanasyndrome #taxesback
Someone tell what law is being enforced when my daughter and I are pummeled with directed energy weapons for years? #HavanaSyndrome #HumanRightsViolations #HIPPAViolations #SuffolkNY
#suffolkny #hippaviolations #humanrightsviolations #havanasyndrome
@nisreen USA has no human rights. #HavanaSyndrome #neuroweapons #longislandNY #HIPPAViolations
#hippaviolations #longislandny #neuroweapons #havanasyndrome