Ancient Greek medicine, based on Hippocrates' teachings, is making a comeback in Greece and other countries. It uses natural remedies like herbal teas, massage, aromatherapy, and exercises to heal the body and mind. This revival shows the modern world's interest in holistic and preventive healthcare.
#ancientgreekmedicine #hippocrates #holistichealth
The Onion: Plastic Surgeon Who Livestreamed Operations On TikTok Has License Revoked #healthmedicalpharma #hippocraticoath #confidentiality #livestreaming #videosoftware #videohosting #youthculture #hippocrates #jorgesolano #socialmedia #sethhughes #alexiswood #medicine #freeware #tiktok
#healthmedicalpharma #hippocraticoath #confidentiality #livestreaming #videosoftware #videohosting #youthculture #hippocrates #jorgesolano #socialmedia #sethhughes #alexiswood #medicine #freeware #tiktok
The greek maxim Do No Harm in healthcare is fundamentally antiracist. #hippocrates #healthcare
'In a period when people thought sickness was caused by gods, #Greek physician #Hippocrates... detailed that people’s #health was affected by not only what they consumed, but also the #environment in which they lived' M.Everts @Europeanaeu (
#earthday2023 #greek #hippocrates #health #environment
Everything in excess is opposed to nature.
-- Hippocrates
#quotes #hippocrates #health #photography #panorama #sunset #florida
Minnesota barbarism: Up thru ninth month; supports no aid to baby if #abortion fails; no parental notification even for 12 year old.
Abortion is SO inhumane, #Hippocrates made
ALL physicians swear an oath since ~ 400
B.C.E., that should any physician ever abort human life it would mean end of doctor's career.
Still inhumane >2.5 millennia later!
Hippocrates: “If we could give every individual the right amount of nourishment & exercise...we would have found the safest way to health.”
#health #happiness #exercise #hippocrates
"Three key factors that keep your #brain sharp and healthy… Physical #exercise, Being #social, Having strong interests. #Learn new things and don’t hold back from new #challenges."
Basically confirming #Hippocrates… 🙂
"That which is used flourishes. That which is not used wastes away."
#brain #exercise #social #learn #challenges #hippocrates #health #wellbeing #cognition
The timeless wisdom of Hippocrates: let food be thy medicine
Looking for a way to improve your overall health and wellness? Remember the words of Hippocrates - "let food be thy medicine." Proper nutrition can play a huge role in maintaining good health and preventing various problems. Don't neglect the power of a healthy diet.
Ronald Halweil is an otolaryngologist.
Listen here:
#health #wellness #nutrition #hippocrates #foodismedicine
The older you become the better you comprehend #Hippocrates' #aphorism "Ars longa, vita brevis, occasio praeceps, experimentum periculosum, iudicium difficile." (life is short, the art (craft/skill) long, opportunity fleeting, experiment treacherous, judgement difficult)