#Today lunch was open faced grilled cheese with #sourdoughBread I made and #tomatoes I grew. After 5 years of almost invalid like immobility I am back baby!!
#bakingBread #Gardening Double #HipReplacement after long waiting list...
#hipreplacement #gardening #bakingbread #tomatoes #sourdoughbread #today
Because I had a double #hipreplacement and had to wait two years for that, my starter died. So I made a new one. #Today It is Day Five and IT DOUBLED already! WOWSER!!! I can't believe how well it is doing. Of course we have had pretty warm weather and I made the other starter during the winter, but still FIVE DAYS!!!! WHOO HOO. #Sourdough #baking #bread. I am excited to be getting back to #BreadMaking. And YES I am recovered enough to do it!!!
#breadmaking #bread #baking #sourdough #today #hipreplacement
My father needs a new hip, having watched some you tube videos, he now feels empowered to ask the surgeon why he doesn't do an anterior approach. His results are as good, but he can explain to my father #hipreplacement #patientpower #family #empowerment
#empowerment #family #patientpower #hipreplacement
At the doctor to talk about #hipreplacement. I'm 48. I'm scared to do it, and scared of what will happen if I don't. No idea what I won't be able to do permanently after. Mad at my stupid buddy for putting me in this position.
Global News BC: Last-second surgery cancellation leaves B.C. senior waiting up to 6 more months in pain https://globalnews.ca/news/9419484/bc-senior-cancelled-surgery/ #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #CancelledSurgery #MinistryofHeatlh #surgerycancelled #BritishColumbia #hipreplacement #HealthCare #hipsurgery #Surgery #Health
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #cancelledsurgery #ministryofheatlh #surgerycancelled #hipreplacement #healthcare #hipsurgery #surgery #health
For any that this might be of interest to #HipReplacement
Hip Resurfacing and #Rehabilitation https://youtu.be/Fir4TGyH6zU
#hipreplacement #rehabilitation
" #NHS trusts with record waiting lists are promoting “quick and easy” #PrivateHealthcare services at their own #hospitals, offering #patients the chance to jump year-long queues, the Observer can reveal.
Hospitals are offering #HipReplacement from £10,000, #cataract surgery for £2,200 and #hernia repairs for £2,500. #MRI scans are offered for between £300 and £400."
#nhs #privatehealthcare #hospitals #patients #hipreplacement #cataract #hernia #mri #saveournhs #torycostofgreedcrisis
I am quite pleased so far with the results of my hip replacement surgery in early November. Being able to move around like I used to years ago is wonderful. I didn’t realize how bad things had become and how terribly limited I was. I used to plan my trips through the house so as to take the fewest number of steps possible, because every step hurt so much. Now, I’m flirting with jogging again. Very grateful.
#walking #hipreplacement #surgery
We were invited to a neighbor's holiday party for last night but declined because we are isolating in advance of my husband's long-awaited #HipReplacement in 2 weeks. Today the host tested positive for #Covid. We've managed to avoid getting it so far, fingers crossed. Stay safe out there.
We were invited to a neighbor's holiday party for last night but declined because we are isolating in advance of my husband's long-awaited #HipReplacement in 2 weeks. Today the host tested positive for #Covid. We've managed to avoid getting it so far, fingers crossed. Stay safe out there.
It's 8am, Donna should text any minute to come walk her dog. #brokenHip #HipReplacement #Neighbours
#brokenhip #hipreplacement #Neighbours
Enjoying the view from my 3rd unplanned trip to the ground today.
#chronicpain #hipreplacement