🎉 Congratulations to @usecocreate for hiring a great match for their Senior Frontend Engineer role!
They received ✅ 184 job applicants and successfully hired THE ONE!
We still kept their job ad live, in case you'd like to check it out: https://cjl.ist/qi35f4ti7
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🎉 Congratulations to @alienstarcloud for hiring a great match for their Fullstack Engineer (Cofounder, Equity) role!
They received ✅ 39 job applicants and successfully hired THE ONE!
We still kept their job ad live, in case you'd like to check it out: https://cjl.ist/m0t06y19i
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🎉 Congratulations to @wallet_chat for hiring a great match for their Front End Developer role!
They received ✅ 120 job applicants and successfully hired THE ONE!
We still kept their job ad live, in case you'd like to check it out: https://cjl.ist/u0sjd41kh
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🎉 Congratulations to @OA_Ventures for hiring a great match for their Sales Manager role!
They received ✅ 54 job applicants and successfully hired THE ONE!
We still kept their job ad live, in case you'd like to check it out: https://cjl.ist/bnjo368sx
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How an eCommerce marketing agency hired a PPC Manager from Ukraine for $1500/ month. Read the full story on our website.
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