A Bear... On Mars?!
Rendered using HiRISE DTM data
NASA/JPL-Caltech/UArizona/Kevin M. Gill
Two towers being build for the rich.
#Fensterfreitag #amsterdam #hirise #photography
New Interactive Mosaic Uses NASA Imagery To Show Mars In Vivid Detail
https://murray-lab.caltech.edu/CTX/V01/SceneView/MurrayLabCTXmosaic.html <-- The Global CTX Mosaic of Mars online interactive map
https://www.jpl.nasa.gov/news/new-interactive-mosaic-uses-nasa-imagery-to-show-mars-in-vivid-detail <-- JPL press release
[since I am on a spatial Mars ‘kick’…]
#GIS #spatial #mapping #Mars #remotesensing #water #science #highresolution #RedPlanet #spaceprobe #survey #map #topography #modeling #compsite #elevation #opendata #openaccess #ReconnaissanceOrbiter #MRO #ContextCamera #CTX #HiRISE #MARCI #GlobalSurveyor #global #image #interactive #online #map #water #fluvial #hydrology #geologic #tectonics #vulcanism #geomorphology #visualization #visualisation
#CalTech #JPL #NASA
#gis #spatial #mapping #Mars #remotesensing #water #science #highresolution #redplanet #spaceprobe #survey #map #topography #modeling #compsite #elevation #opendata #openaccess #reconnaissanceorbiter #mro #contextcamera #ctx #hirise #marci #globalsurveyor #global #image #interactive #online #fluvial #hydrology #geologic #tectonics #vulcanism #geomorphology #visualization #visualisation #caltech #JPL #NASA
Voyage du Terre is een bijna vergeten melodie van Hans Jacobi voor een theater voorstelling die nimmer het levenslicht zag: Voyage du Terre er zou een voorstelling in het theater komen waar muziek bij moest – daar was de compositie […]
#Cello #Duduk #HandKlappen #HansJacobi #HiRISE #ModernClassical #MusicForADanceIII #percussie #ToyPiano #Trumpet #Ukulele #Violen #VoyageDuTerre
#cello #duduk #handklappen #hansjacobi #hirise #modernclassical #musicforadanceiii #percussie #toypiano #trumpet #ukulele #violen #voyageduterre
Sinuous Channels East Of Olympus Mons, Mars - Implications For Volcanic, Hydrological, And Tectonic Processes
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.icarus.2021.114798 <-- paper
• [They] mapped channels and fossae within the volcanic plains east of Olympus Mons.
• Late Amazonian channels east of Olympus Mons formed by eruptions of lava or water.
• Fossae morphologies correspond to episodes of magmatic dike and sill emplacement.
• Loading of Olympus Mons may control magmatic ascent processes and eruption types..."
#GIS #spatial #mapping #volcanism #tectonics #Mars #surface #interior #geologicalprocesses #remotesensing #map #geology #extraterrestrial ##OlympusMons #volcanic #water #hydrology #hydrospatial #lava #fossae #morphology #geomorphology #magma #dike #sill #eruption #plains #traps #facies #map #survey #fluvial #bedrock #erosion #weathering #groundwater #surfacewater #regolith #lahar #meltwater #snow #ice #isostatic #HiRISE #CTX #imagery #chronostratigraphic #model #modeling #gischat
#gis #spatial #mapping #volcanism #tectonics #Mars #surface #interior #geologicalprocesses #remotesensing #map #geology #Extraterrestrial #olympusmons #volcanic #water #hydrology #hydrospatial #lava #fossae #Morphology #geomorphology #magma #dike #sill #eruption #plains #traps #facies #survey #fluvial #Bedrock #erosion #weathering #groundwater #surfacewater #regolith #lahar #meltwater #snow #ice #isostatic #hirise #ctx #imagery #chronostratigraphic #model #modeling #gischat
HiRISE Mars Foto van de dag: Embayment in Tectonized Fluvial Terrain. Credits: NASA/JPL-Caltech/Univ. of Arizona #mars #hirise #sterrenkunde #astronomie #nasa #ruimtevaart
#mars #hirise #sterrenkunde #astronomie #nasa #ruimtevaart
HiRISE Mars Foto van de dag: A Dragonfly-Shaped Crater. Credits: NASA/JPL-Caltech/Univ. of Arizona #mars #hirise #sterrenkunde #astronomie #nasa #ruimtevaart
#mars #hirise #sterrenkunde #astronomie #nasa #ruimtevaart
#Ingenuity should now be visible no matter where it landed after #Flight46, since most of the area for a possible landing is now visible from RMC 34.4394 where #Perseverance arrived after the Sol 719 drive.
Dashed flight path and 46th landing in cyan are wild guesses,
Map made using #QGIS with data from #NASA's #MMGIS and #HiRISE
#ingenuity #flight46 #perseverance #qgis #nasa #MMGIS #hirise #mars2020 #solarocks #space #visibility
#Ingenuity should now be visible no matter where it landed after #Flight46, since most of the area for a possible landing is now visible from RMC 34.4394 where #Perseverance arrived after the Sol 719 drive.
Dashed flight path and 46th landing in cyan are wild guesses,
Map made using #QGIS with data from #NASA's #MMGIS and #HiRISE
#ingenuity #flight46 #perseverance #qgis #nasa #MMGIS #hirise #mars2020 #solarocks #space #visibility
New location estimate for #Perseverance on Sol 719: RMC 34.4394. The white double dashed drive paths are guesses.
Map made using #QGIS with data from #NASA's #MMGIS and #HiRISE
#perseverance #qgis #nasa #MMGIS #hirise #mars2020 #solarocks #space #localization
New location estimate for #Perseverance on Sol 719: RMC 34.4394. The white double dashed drive paths are guesses.
Maps are made using #QGIS with data from #NASA's #MMGIS and #HiRISE
#perseverance #qgis #nasa #MMGIS #hirise #mars2020 #solarocks #space
HiRISE Mars Foto van de dag: Seasonal Flows in Valles Marineris. Credits: NASA/JPL-Caltech/Univ. of Arizona #mars #hirise #sterrenkunde #astronomie #nasa #ruimtevaart
#mars #hirise #sterrenkunde #astronomie #nasa #ruimtevaart
Context map showing the orientation and FOV of the MastcamZ camera when it captured the image above. The rocks are 125m away.
One more example why Sols are not good indicators of location. This is Sol 718, but the location is that of the end-of-drive of Sol 717.
Maps are made using #QGIS with data from #NASA's #MMGIS and #HiRISE
#qgis #nasa #MMGIS #hirise #perseverance #mars2020 #solarocks #space
New location estimate for #Perseverance on Sol 718: RMC 34.3196. The estimate is based on single image metadata. The white double dashed paths are guesses.
Maps are made using #QGIS with data from #NASA's #MMGIS and #HiRISE
#perseverance #qgis #nasa #MMGIS #hirise #mars2020 #solarocks #space
HiRISE Mars Foto van de dag: Possible Layers on Floor of Suzhi Crater. Credits: NASA/JPL-Caltech/Univ. of Arizona #mars #hirise #sterrenkunde #astronomie #nasa #ruimtevaart
#mars #hirise #sterrenkunde #astronomie #nasa #ruimtevaart
Map showing the orientation and FOV of #Perseverance's NAVCAM when the image above was captured.
#perseverance #qgis #MMGIS #hirise #mars2020 #nasa #solarocks #space
New location estimate for #Perseverance on Sol 717:
RMC 34.2098, ~220m NNW, around the foot of a 35m hill. #Ingenuity should be visible from this location.
Provisional estimate, based only on image metadata.
#perseverance #ingenuity #mars2020 #nasa #hirise #MMGIS #solarocks #space #qgis
New location estimate for #Perseverance on Sol 717:
RMC 34.2098, ~220m NNW, around the foot of a 35m hill. Provisional estimate, based only on image metadata.
#perseverance #mars2020 #nasa #hirise #MMGIS #solarocks #space #qgis