OMG OMG OMG #HiromiUehara revient avec une nouvelle formation et un nouvel album à paraître et ça promet d’être une sacrée tuerie !
Extrait à NPR :
#hiromiuehara #musique #jazz #hiromi
Listening to the absolutely fabulous #hiromiuehara at the #PoriJazz festival
“Sakura Sakura” by Stanley Clarke Trio (2009) 🌸
The cherry blossom season is currently at its peak in the northern part of the Tohoku Region, where the blossoms have opened at a record-breaking pace this year.
#StanleyClarke ‘s acoustic trio with Lenny White and Hiromi Uehara deliver on this great version of the popular Japanese folk song.
#nowplaying #stanleyclarke #hiromiuehara #lennywhite
#nowspinning #thestanleyclarketrio #stanleyclarke #hiromiuehara #lennywhite #jazzinthegarden #headsupinternational #compactdisc #pioneerdv545 #sansui607xr
I don't have words to describe this performance by #HiromiUehara, it's just amazing...
#hiromiuehara #jazz #jazzfusion #jazzmusic #piano #pianist
Disque du jour : Duet, Chick Corea & Hiromi Uehara (2008) #disquedujour #recordoftheday #musique #music #jazz #chickcorea #hiromiuehara
#hiromiuehara #chickcorea #jazz #music #musique #recordoftheday #disquedujour