#Prentenders o1 - #HiroyukiSawano
(Finally a :relatable_raven: song ! )
#currlisteningalcea #prentenders #hiroyukisawano
#CurrListeningAlcea #Kartoffel titel
* Bauklötze - #AttackOnTitan OST
( #HiroyukiSawano )
#currlisteningalcea #kartoffel #attackontitan #hiroyukisawano
It is broken #german, but I can make out most of it.
#HiroyukiSawano and a few others are notorious for sprinkling in broken #kartoffel language in.
The #pronounciation is so-so,
but the song is good.
KLK is a quite amusing show.
The first of Studio #TRIGGER s works iirc
#german #hiroyukisawano #kartoffel #pronounciation #trigger
Hiroyuki Sawano / Project【emU】「Inferno<×PT>」 : https://youtu.be/c49zedQ1eNM
"We'll be here for you wherever you go."
#hiroyukisawano #inferno #promare #music
SawanoHiroyuki[nZk]:Laco「FAKEit」Music Video Fate/strange Fake -Whispers of Dawn- ver.: https://youtu.be/a_iU8YeH944
"But this spirit doesn't break."
#hiroyukisawano #music #fatestrangefake #anime #laco
Boss: We need dat #dial up #modem Sound !!11
#Hiroyuki : Sure thing #boss !
* •bpm•gain•mute - #AldnoahZero 2
( #HiroyukiSawano )
#dial #modem #hiroyuki #boss #currlisteningalcea #aldnoahzero #hiroyukisawano
* warcry (ft. mpi) - #KabaneriOfTheIronFortress ( #HiroyukiSawano )
#currlisteningalceaw #kabanerioftheironfortress #hiroyukisawano
[nZk] 5th Album「#V」 2023.1.18 Release:
#v #hiroyukisawano #music #anime
[nZk] 5th Album「#V」 2023.1.18 Release:
•7Guy -AoNoEx OST
•#Phosphorus to #Snowman "1" - AoNoEx OST
#currlisteningalcea #phosphorus #snowman #hiroyukisawano #kohtayamamota
#HiroyukiSawano and epic music, name a more iconic duo.
I predict I'll have this on repeat for a while.
...Is it a prediction if it already started? I've already listened to it 6 times since finding out about it like 20 minutes ago.
#hiroyukisawano #anime #animemusic #japanesemusic #fate #fatestrangefake
The #music that keeps running in my mind currently.
Can't bring myself to continue watching after Attack on Titan #anime season 2 few years ago but the music is reallyyyyy good. #hiroyukisawano