Con esta nueva generación de #series y #películas sobre trastornos emocionales #undone en #PrimeVideo es una de las mejores series de este género hasta el momento, de #RaphaelBobWaksberg y #KatePurdy , dirigida por #hiskohulsing con #RosaSalazar #AngeliqueCabral #ConstanceMarie y #BobOdenkirk en los papeles principales.
#series #peliculas #undone #primevideo #raphaelbobwaksberg #katepurdy #hiskohulsing #rosasalazar #angeliquecabral #constancemarie #bobodenkirk
I saw #thedreamofathousandcats and found it to be the high point of #sandman on @netflix. Faithful to the original, story well-told and well-performed, the art of the #animation was striking and beautiful. If you had a hand in this, then congratulations. Hope we'll see more of your work in future seasons.
CC: #hiskohulsing #neilgaiman
#thedreamofathousandcats #hiskohulsing #animation #neilgaiman #sandman
A while ago I was very fortunate to be asked to work on #thedreamofathousandcats . A short animated story directed by the brilliant #hiskohulsing written by #neilgaiman. The #animation can be seen on @Netflix as part of the #sandman series. Here are a couple of frames from the project.
#thedreamofathousandcats #hiskohulsing #neilgaiman #animation #sandman