Plus the most favorite person in their heads, that rattle in their mind all the time? Gon. They both wanna be with Gon, wanna eat with Gon, sleep with Gon.
Then before either knows it, they fall head over heels for each other, wanting to feel pure tender skin to each other, Hisoka treating Killua not just as a toy but as a partner.
#hisokillu #hunterxhunter #agegap #heightgap #gon #love #rarepair #fluff
#hisokillu #hunterxhunter #agegap #heightgap #gon #love #rarepair #fluff
Hisoka: Deadly and Jolly
Killua: Dealdy and Serious
Them together: have hot passionate sex.
#hisoka #killua #hisokillu #hxh #hunterxhunter #shota #agegap #heightgap #theyneedtomakeababy
#hisoka #killua #hisokillu #hxh #hunterxhunter #shota #agegap #heightgap #theyneedtomakeababy