Ich habe heute in einer Marketingagentur Begeisterung über den Einsatz von KI zur Stimmimitation gehört und ich denke, #Historiker #Kulturwissenschaftler und Co werden in den nächhsten Jahren sehr viel Arbeit haben, was die Darstellung von Geschichte und Quellenkritik angeht. #histadons
#histadons #kulturwissenschaftler #historiker
#Vikings Didn’t Wear Horned Helmets https://professorbuzzkill.com/vikings-didnt-wear-horned-helmets/ #history #histadons #histadon #myths
Source: https://twitter.com/buzzkillprof/status/1647286762077560834
#vikings #history #histadons #histadon #myths
A cure for #gout from the #C18th https://cullenproject.ac.uk/docs/3972/ #History #Science #histadons #histadon #medicine
Source: https://twitter.com/RCPEHeritage/status/1647149768655925248
#gout #c18th #history #histadons #histadon #science #medicine
Reading about Nazi Germany or as I call it "angrily shouting swearwords at dead people"
Londinium, the capital of Britannia https://www.thehistoryoflondon.co.uk/londinium-the-capital-of-britannia/ #History #Roman #Britain #histadons
Source: https://twitter.com/LondonStone/status/1644395864788717568
#britain #histadons #history #roman
Europe’s Oldest Map Shows Tiny Bronze Age Kingdom https://atlasobscura.com/articles/europe-oldest-map-shows-tiny-bronze-age-kingdom #Map #Archaeology #History #Europe #histadons #archaeodons #mapstodon
Source: https://twitter.com/bibliolater1452/status/1645033819236335616
#history #map #archaeology #mapstodon #europe #histadons #archaeodons
Early ships and the spread of Indo-European and Anatolian #languages https://www.academia.edu/73100916/EARLY_SHIPS_AND_THE_SPREAD_OF_INDO_EUROPEAN_AND_ANATOLIAN_LANGUAGES #Archaeology #History #histadons #archaeodons
Source: https://twitter.com/Jorrit_Kelder/status/1644729204020244480
#languages #history #histadons #archaeodons #archaeology
Early ships and the spread of Indo-European and Anatolian #languages https://www.academia.edu/73100916/EARLY_SHIPS_AND_THE_SPREAD_OF_INDO_EUROPEAN_AND_ANATOLIAN_LANGUAGES #Archaeology #History #histadons #archaeodons
#languages #archaeology #history #histadons #archaeodons
A documentary about the last known U.S. slave ship to bring captives from Africa has been shortlisted for an Academy Award as descendants work to fight pollution around its historic community #slavery #histadons #axios #axioslatino #MLKDay #clotilda #obama #alabama
#slavery #histadons #axios #axioslatino #mlkday #clotilda #obama #alabama
Hello! I’m Eirik. I’m from Virginia and I am a high school history teacher. After more than two decades in public schools, I am looking for insights, inspiration, and connections from other history educators. I am interested in stories, places, and people that can make this hopefully post-pandemic world come alive again for my students and myself. #introduction #histadons
@histodons #histadons Where my peeps? #BookExhibition #aha2023 #CFH #FaithAndHistory
#faithandhistory #cfh #aha2023 #BookExhibition #histadons
Happy New Year! Double Dating explained for Genealogists - from the Nutfield Genealogy blog. #NewYear #Genealogy #FamilyHistory #History #Geneadons #Histadons https://nutfieldgenealogy.blogspot.com/2020/01/happy-new-year-double-dating-explained.html
#NewYear #genealogy #familyhistory #history #Geneadons #histadons
I am slowly trying to re-find y’all here. It’s taking time. But hey, it’s a chance to find new friends, too—share your ‘you should be following’ if you like! #actuallyautistic #LGBTQIA #histadons #history #books #cats #chickens
#actuallyautistic #lgbtqia #histadons #history #books #cats #chickens
Me: “I need a new audiobook to listen to while doing dishes. I know, I’ll review some Machiavelli!”
Two sentences of #Machiavelli audiobook later: “Waaah! Must go take three pages of notes!”
#histadon problem #histadons #renaissance #eatlymodons
#machiavelli #histadon #histadons #renaissance #eatlymodons
Just published! My new chapter on oral history for the Bloomsbury History: Theory and Method series. It’s designed to give an overview of the approach, a sense of the history of oral history, hint at some future directions and offer some guidance to those starting out on oral history projects. I hope it’s of some use to #Histadons #oralhistory https://www.bloomsburyhistorytheorymethod.com/article?docid=b-9781350915831&tocid=b-9781350915831-170
It is a privilege to announce that booking is now open for *1ST EVER* conference on the Gloucester! 'The Life, Times, & Heritage Futures of the Gloucester', 12-13 May 2023 ... Do come along & hear all about research-to-date from a fantastic range of international speakers ... Pls share widely #histadons #earlymodern #archaeology
booking page: https://store.uea.ac.uk/conferences-and-events/faculty-of-arts-and-humanities/conferencesevents/the-life-times-and-heritage-futures-of-the-gloucester-a-seventeenthcentury-thirdrate-warship
& full conference programme: https://www.gloucestershipwreck.co.uk/conference-announcement
#histadons #earlymodern #archaeology
Been lurking gratefully a week now in this refuge, soaking up the great multilingual vibe and optimism. Just beginning to build up my follows in journalism, literature, and among the #histadons and #geneadons. #firstpost Glad to, um, partake of the years of investment by the Greater #fediverse. I'll try to walk softly.
#fediverse #firstpost #geneadons #histadons
Civil War era letters written Thanksgiving 1861 from a young man from Nashua, New Hampshire - https://www.smithsonianmag.com/blogs/national-museum-american-history/2022/11/16/civil-war-thanksgiving/ #FamilyHistory #genealogy #geneadons #History #CivilWar #Thanksgiving #Histadons
#familyhistory #genealogy #Geneadons #history #civilwar #thanksgiving #histadons
#histadons and other history friends, please consider contributing to the new Journal of American Constitutional History. We need history department folks to join these conversations! See call for papers below. Any of the Senior Editorial Advisors would be glad to answer Qs. https://jach.law.wisc.edu
@ghose @jeremy @queerstudies oooh thanks for the heads up! I based my list around a much larger one done for #histadons cause I thought it was a smart way to find each other but it’s cool that there might be another way - I’ll have a look into it over the next fews days ☺️