John · @autogestion
123 followers · 357 posts · Server
Martin Holland · @fingolas
696 followers · 750 posts · Server

Opposition to plan mounts as unions launch

’s largest group launched a strike across a broad swath of sectors Monday, joining a surging protest movement against Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s plan to overhaul the — a plan that is facing unprecedented opposition.

The strike by the umbrella group, which represents more than 700,000 in , and , among many other fields, could paralyze large parts of Israel’s , which is already on shaky ground, ratcheting up the pressure on Netanyahu to suspend the overhaul.

#netanyahu #strike #israel #tradeunion #judiciary #histadrut #workers #health #transit #banking #economy #justicereform

Last updated 1 year ago

Niĉjo :flago:🇮🇱🚩 · @Nicjo
121 followers · 311 posts · Server

En 1920 la ĝenerala de hebreaj laboristoj - la - estis formita en la urbo .

#hanuka #sindikato #histadrut #hajfo #tradeunion

Last updated 2 years ago

ניצן צבי כהן · @NizzanZvi
187 followers · 248 posts · Server

english follows
אגב, היום 102 שנים לייסוד אחד הדברים שתמיד סקרנו אותי לגבי התמונה הזו מוועידת היסוד (שמופיעה היום גם בחדר הנהגת ההסתדרות) היא מי הם שלושת הילדים השובבים שהתפרצו אליה בצד שמאל :).🌹

102 years to the , the biggest in israel. I am allways courios in this historic photo of the establishing congress of the organization - who was the three little kids who 'photobombed' in the left.

#ההסתדרות #histadrut #union

Last updated 2 years ago

Nebuchi :ecoanarchism: · @nebuchi
295 followers · 2474 posts · Server

this union is part of the old , the largest mega-union in israel, built on the german model of were policy is decided by the "heads" of industry, worker class and government. it was and still is, a notoriously currupt, undemocratic and classist institute, and i hope hermoni will have the guts to break us free from it. i think it does us equal amounts of good and bad, and so far she has been taking zero shits from "the bosses" :rosa:

#histadrut #socdem

Last updated 2 years ago