FWIW what I'm basically looking for is to chat with and across a mix of #sts #histm #histmed #envhist #histech #scipol #animalstudies #Conservation #OneHealth folks. I study #interdisciplinary collaboration and magpie across disciplines myself.
#interdisciplinary #OneHealth #Conservation #animalstudies #scipol #histech #envhist #histmed #histm #sts
Call for Papers
Histories of technology acceptance in the 20th century
The Division of History of Technology at TU Berlin invites proposals for a two-day historical workshop taking place on 5–6 October 2023. The workshop will feature a keynote by Ortwin Renn, Scientific Director of the Institute for Advanced Sustainability Studies (IASS), Potsdam.
#histsci #envhis #envtech #histech #histstm
A Yale senior whom I taught last Spring published an essay in #edgeeffects today based on a paper she developed in our class. Check it out! https://edgeeffects.net/electrified-farming-poultry/
"Electricity reshaped the poultry industry over the 20th century. Zoe Robertson asks what the costs of this transformation were for birds and inter-species relations.."
#envhist #animalhist #histech #energyhist #animalwelfare #histodons
#edgeeffects #envhist #animalhist #histech #energyhist #animalwelfare #histodons
A Yale senior who I taught last Spring published an essay in #edgeeffects today based on a paper she developed in our class. Check it out! https://edgeeffects.net/electrified-farming-poultry/
"Electricity reshaped the poultry industry over the 20th century. Zoe Robertson asks what the costs of this transformation were for birds and inter-species relations.."
#envhist #animalhist #histech #energyhist #animalwelfare #histodons
#edgeeffects #envhist #animalhist #histech #energyhist #animalwelfare #histodons
A Yale senior who I taught last Spring published an essay in #edgeeffects today based on a paper she developed in our class. Check it out! (and perhaps, after reading, you'll think twice this holiday before you eat some turkey...) #envhist #animalhist #histech #energyhist #animalwelfare https://edgeeffects.net/electrified-fa
#edgeeffects #envhist #animalhist #histech #energyhist #animalwelfare