More crazy Hahn stories
Dasgupta defended his Cambridge thesis the day before his wedding, Hahn was external examiner
Hahn said he got a proof wrong
Dasgupta found *Hahn's* proof was wrong, rushed to his home hours before his wedding to settle the matter
Hahn: "you must learn that Uncle is never wrong"
Dasgupta: I didn't wish to dispute this, I was going to be late for my wedding
Cambridge, mid-1960s
"the thought that research in econ could be pleasurable, and that it could be the sole reason for you doing it would have filled Cambridge economists with horror. If one desired intellectual enjoyment, one should math, econ was only for the morally upright"
Footnote reads"there was one exception to this: Frank Hahn")
The art of writing an abstract
Scarcity: A History from the Origins of Capitalism to the Climate Crisis
by Fredrik Albritton Jonsson and Carl Wennerlind
#histecon #historyofecon #histsci
A history of the Life Cycle Hypothesis,
by Alice Martini and Lucas Spataro
(an influential model is a tractable model, 254th edition)
Nestor Lovera Nieto, jeune historien et philosophe de l'éco, lance un nouveau podcast.
Pour commencer, 6 épisodes sur la 2eme édition de la thèse de Kenneth Arrow, «Social Choice and Individual Values»
#histecon #historyofecon #histsci
Who are the general equilibrium theorists (training, institutions, communities, topics),
by Olessia Kirtchik and Ivan Boldyrev
#histecon #histsci #historyofecon
Who create new paradigms in economics? Not just famed theorists & modelers
But also lesser-known economists who write computational algorithms & design software
F. Sergi, A.Saidi & I wrote a history of how DSGEs became dominant.
It's the history of Dynare
#histecon #historyofecon #histsci
Special Osiris issue on historicizing algorithmic culture (the cover is gorgeous)
with a paper by Honghong Tinn on computer metaphors in Leontief's input-output
#histodon #histsci #histecon #historyofecon @historyofeconomics
#histodon #histsci #histecon #historyofecon
The Price of Virtue: Some Hypotheses on How Tractability Has Shaped Economic Models
finally published in open access
#histodon #histecon #historyofecon
[HELP NEEDED] Is there any research on the consequences of *FRIENDSHIP* in the history of science?
(or what famous exemples, such as, in history of econ, Malthus and Ricardo, or Friedman and Stigler can you think of?)
Cynicism 101 from Owen-Braeutigam's 1978 "Regulation Games"
"A regulated firm...should be prepared to coopt [academics] experts...requires a modicum of finesse... must not be too blatant, for the experts themselves must not recognize that they have lost their objectivity"
from Ben Franta's paper on how some economists (in particular associated with Charles River Associates) have participated in delaying climate action
After a month of intensive lecturing on the history of environmental economics, I've concluded that history of economics as a field is a bit like the price of carbon:
everyone loosely agree that its value should be $300 the ton, but the market price has been stuck at $8 for 20 years
#histecon #historyofecon #envhist @historyofeconomics
#histecon #historyofecon #envhist
The (long) history of energy efficiency in economics, from the 19th to the 21th century
by Antoine Missemer & Louis-Gaetan Giraudet
open access
#histecon #historyofecon #envhist @historyofeconomics
#histecon #historyofecon #envhist
#CFP: The US Developmental State in #Comparative Perspective
Dear all: we are putting together a #conference in Paris on May 25-26 to explore the US developmental #state, and use insights from historiographies on other regions of the world to rethink the role of the state in American #capitalism. If you're interested in exchanging on this, please do consider this call for papers:
Abstracts (around 500 words) are due January 17, 2023.
#cfp #comparative #conference #state #capitalism #histodons #histecon
#CFP: The US Developmental State in #Comparative Perspective
Dear all: we are putting together a #conference in Paris on May 25-26 to explore the US developmental #state, and use insights from historiographies on other regions of the world to rethink the role of the state in American #capitalism. If you're interested in exchanging on this, please do consider this call for papers:
Abstracts (around 500 words) are due January 17, 2023.
#cfp #comparative #conference #state #capitalism #histodons #histecon
"I spend a lot of time chasing the history of economic "fields." Maybe I shouldn't"
(I opened a substack a month ago. I didn't really know what to do with it, so I just decided that it's to vent my intellectual frustration)
@historyofeconomics #histecon #historyofecon #urbanhistory @urbanecon
#histecon #historyofecon #urbanhistory
Here's the syllabus for a new course I'm teaching with Quentin Couix from CIRED next semester (in case you're looking for reads on this topic)
"Economists facing nature, histories and contexts"
Suggestions for additional topics and reads welcome
#histecon #historyofecon #envhist
The final version of my article on the history of the gender wage gap debate is out at History of Political Economy! It's part of a great special issue on women and economics that you should check out if you're interested in such things.
Free link for the paper:
I don't know who exactly bears responsibility for the Index of Smith's Wealth (this is Cannan's edition but maybe there was some before), but it's the answer to all questions
"France: vineyards need not be envied by Britain"
"East India Company, [oppresses and domineers, 73;]
[Literature; was more profitable in Ancient Greece, 132-3]
[Lodgings, cheaper in London, than in any other capital city in Europe, 117]