Mit dem #Bundesfeiertag begeht die #Schweiz heute ihren #Nationalfeiertag (seit 1889) - dazu von uns ein Lektürehinweis:
▶️ David Gugerli/Daniel Speich, Der Hirtenknabe, der General und die Karte. Nationale Repräsentationsräume in der Schweiz des 19. Jahrhunderts, #WerkstattGeschichte 23/1999,
#Bundesfeier #Eidgenossenschaft #Kartografie #Nation #Nationalismus #19thCentury #histknow #histodons
#bundesfeiertag #schweiz #Nationalfeiertag #werkstattgeschichte #bundesfeier #eidgenossenschaft #kartografie #nation #nationalismus #19thcentury #histknow #histodons
Archives in/of Transit: Historical Perspectives from the 1930s to the Present
Workshop at University of Southern California, Los Angeles
28/29 June 2024
@histodons @historikerinnen @archivistodon
#Archives #Libraries #ContemporaryHistory #MigrationHistory #TransnationalHistory #Exile #Refugees #histknow
Convenors: GHI Washington et al.
#histknow #Refugees #exile #transnationalhistory #migrationhistory #contemporaryhistory #libraries #archives #histodons #callforpapers
From 1 August I will be curator for #innovation research at the German Port Museum Hamburg @histmuseenhh. Excited & look forward to combine #envhum , #STS, #HistKnow , #HandsOnHistory , #CoCuration & (a wee bit #oceanhist ) to help shape a transformative & sustainable #museum
#innovation #envhum #sts #histknow #handsonhistory #cocuration #oceanhist #museum
With creamy greetings from German academia: the "Knowledge" branded #bodylotion from the Ruhr Universität #Bochum. #AcademicChatter #histknow
#bodylotion #bochum #academicchatter #histknow
Alert, paper artifacts on the floor. Rolled maps - printed versions of colleagues, of older decades, from the book trade, and manuscript maps. The costly ones were stored, filed and collected in big folders like the one on the floor. Managing your knowledge in cartography in style. This messy scene has a deeper message: thinking is and was a paper-related practice for most scientific activities. #histknow
Books next to the globe. This arrangement isn't by chance. It is a message, as #bookhistory experts know: Cartographic knowledge is mostly paper scholarship. Reading, comparing, collecting data, writing and publishing new books about the topic. That's a paper using and paper producing knowledge activity. #histknow
I'll give a talk and a seminar at Lund's Centre for the History of Knowledge in March, if you fancy #communicationhistory, #mediahistory, #digitalhistory or #bookhistory, this might be of interest. Maybe.
Have a look, it's a zoom event too:
#histknow #communicationhistory #mediahistory #digitalhistory #bookhistory #histodons
Heute ist #OldRockDay - wir erinnern daher an unsere Ausgabe #WerkstattGeschichte 81/2020 mit dem Thementeil "steine", hg. von Susann Lewerenz und Veronika Springmann, mit Beiträgen von Sebastian Felten (#Bergbau #18thCentury), Kathrin Rottmann (Pflastersteine #1968) und Regina Sarreiter (Steinwerkzeuge #kolonial #Ethnologie).
Dies und vieles mehr frei zugänglich unter:
#Histodons #Geologie #histsci #histknow #geology
@histodons @historikerinnen
#oldrockday #werkstattgeschichte #bergbau #18thcentury #kolonial #Ethnologie #histodons #geologie #histsci #histknow #geology
"The Writing Lesson", which I used to think briefly about different kinds of knowledge. #wpaArt #histKnow
Run-away Knowledge!
Nu nærmer tiden sig for semesterets 3. videnshistoriske zoom-seminar.
Torsdag den 24/11 kl. 13-14 holder Johan Heinsen Aalborg Universitet oplægget ”Run-away Knowledge. Digital tools for exploring history of knowledge”.
Vil du med? Mail til @MariaSimonsen:
#videnforverden #aau #histknow
So, I guess I'll do a small introduction. I am a PhD student working on the transfer of esoteric Jewish knowledge from the Ottoman Empire to Europe in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, specifically the writings of Moses Cordovero (1522-1570).
My research is specifically interested in the material circulation of his writings and their reception in their new intellectual-cultural milieux.
So overall, I am interested in #BookHist #HistKnow #Kabbalah #MaterialStudies and #Paleography
#bookhist #histknow #kabbalah #materialstudies #paleography
My current project: Knowledge for the World is on the history of universities.
In 2024, Aalborg University celebrates its 50th anniversary.
The purpose is to tell the history of the university. I am particularly interested in telling a democratic history about the everyday life: the students, the researchers, and the administrative staff: the changing pedagogy & the teaching methods, the researchers' collaboration with the companies & cultural institutions.
The need to make a living means I do not published much, but last year I was able to reflect, with Kerstin von der Krone, on the _History of Knowledge_ blog ( at the end of my 10+ years at the German Historical Institute in Washington, DC.
"Blogging Histories of Knowledge in Washington, DC," in _Geschichte und Gesellschaft_,
#HistKnow #HistSci #ScholarlyComm #SciComm #AcademicCommunication #HistoryBlogs #AcademicBlogs #AcademicEditing #histodons
#histknow #histsci #ScholarlyComm #scicomm #AcademicCommunication #HistoryBlogs #AcademicBlogs #AcademicEditing #histodons