#Ausstellung eröffnet 🎉 ☑️
Im TV darüber geredet😊☑️
Glücklich über die tolle Zusammenarbeit mit #MuseumDerNatur & #UniHH Kolleg*innen & Studierenden
Wir freuen uns auf euren Besuch!
#ausstellung #museumdernatur #unihh #ganzedernatur #immakraft #histnathist #histsciart #histstm
@ctimmermann as I said on the bird site: An important decision! (Artistic) interventions are great & can do a lot of reparative work but eventually we do need to change the whole display. And frankly also our institutions! Chapeau to the Wellcome Collection ! #Museums #Collections #HistSTM #HistNatHist #Justice #Transformation
#museums #collections #histstm #histnathist #justice #transformation
I'm an experienced educator, researcher, curator & research manager based in Hamburg/Germany. Currently looking for a job in #GLAM, #AltAc or #HigherEducation. I have a PhD in #EnvHist, managed an Institute for Advanced Study, (co)-taught in German & Scottish universities and (co)-curated exhibitions.
#museums, #collections, #HistNatHist, #HistSciArt, #HistSTM, #DigitalHumanities, #PerformativeMethods, #MoreThanHuman & #EntHist, all ca. 1650-1900
#FirstGen & #LGBTQIA
#introduction #glam #altac #highereducation #envhist #museums #collections #histnathist #histsciart #histstm #digitalhumanities #performativemethods #morethanhuman #enthist #firstgen #lgbtqia
Not sure if & how I’m settling in here but an #introduction might be useful. I’m a #curator & #histodon based at Hamburg/Germany. Was the Managing Director at the #LichtenbergKolleg at Uni Goettingen. I like #museums & organising stuff & bring people & ideas & practices together.
Topics: #EnvHist , #HistSTM , #HistNatHist, #HistSciArt, #DigitalHumanities #AnimalStudies, #OceanHist , #Collections and of course #EntHist - the history of insect studies / human-insect-interaction.
#introduction #curator #histodon #LichtenbergKolleg #museums #envhist #histstm #histnathist #histsciart #digitalhumanities #animalstudies #oceanhist #collections #enthist
So looking forward to being back at Universitet Uppsala this week for the „Colonial Instructions: Knowledge, Genre, Power, 1700-1850“ workshop. https://instructingnaturalhistory.com/events/workshop-colonialinstructions #collections #histnathist #histSTM #colonialism #histodons
#collections #histnathist #histstm #colonialism #histodons