🎉The third (and final!) paper from my Ph.D. dissertation is now out at @PhilSciJournal as 👀 First view article 👀 #philsci #histofscience #mathhistory
🧐Interested in how mathematical communities react to new ideas?
Read on:
(if you don't have 🔐, please pm me!) https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/philosophy-of-science/article/abs/connecting-the-revolutionary-with-the-conventional-rethinking-the-differences-between-the-works-of-brouwer-heyting-and-weyl/9376F606893AEDB9AD887548C59D6099
#mathhistory #histofscience #philsci
Despite a rainy boarding @princeton compensated with great food, funny trees and old buildings, and superb conversations about #histofscience on Phunday!