My program is hiring: full-time instructor in #sts #histoftech #PhilofScience Not on the committee but I’m happy to answer questions about the program and CU generally.
#philofscience #histoftech #sts
#models can be a good way to gain #experiential # knowledge of systems too big and complex to be preserved in running condition at original scale.
And also, who needs a reason: just looooooooook at our railways.
#models #experiential #histoftech #publichistory #experientialhistory #rail #lts
Today, I received yet another email trying to goad me into contributing to a an academic book on growing potatoes... Because I published an article on Paul Baran's packet-switching design from 1961, which he named 'Hot Potato Routing'. It's a network routing design!
This kind of spam is either bad ML or extreme sloppiness, and it's profoundly annoying.
Does this stuff happen to anyone else?
#academicchat #commodon #histodon #histoftech