I'm reconnecting with my culinary heritage. Tatar meat and pumpkin cake 'arbuznikas'. Yeast dough rolled up very thinly, then loads of butter is spread on top, meat with onions and some spices, and the star of the event - pumpkin. Afterwards everything is rolled up in a gigantic sausage and baked.
We have decided to try and make a fulacht fiadh (fulluk feeah). If anything it'd look like a damp fire pit. I recommend everyone read up about them as the #archeology world is a bit torn on their use.
We have everything needed here to have one.
Summer 2023 will be three things. 1. Slightly under boiled potatoes, 2. Bronze Age Hot Tub, 3. Barrels of brewing mash.
Bronze Age Hot Tub is my ska band.
#irishhistory #ireland #historicalcooking #cooking #food #archeology
This is happening tomorrow afternoon, with @theregencycook, and is going to be excellent. Tickets still available, and you have time to shop tomorrow morning if you don't have everything in. #Christmas #Pudding #OldFashioned #Cooking #Historical #HistoricalCooking #HistoricalBaking #Baking #FestiveFood
#festivefood #baking #historicalbaking #historicalcooking #historical #cooking #oldfashioned #pudding #christmas
A friend linked an article that got me to find and translate some early Chinese braised meat recipes. Take a look!
Who wants to make a suckling pig stew? Or perhaps cicadas?
#HistoricalCooking #ChineseCooking #ClassicalChinese #LiterarySinitic #Cicadas
#historicalcooking #chinesecooking #classicalchinese #literarysinitic #cicadas