The next #OceansPast conference will take place in Penryn, UK, from 25-28 June 2024!
Find out more: https://oceanspast.org/opx.php
#oceanspast #oceanhistory #historicalecology #ecology
@Unknowable great you are discussing #PoliticalEcology here in #ClimateDiary! Should do this muxh more often 😊
I completely agree that you need #PoliticalEcology and #HistoricalEcology together. But in fact, the kinds of historical dimensions you discuss here are part of Pol Ec itself - all abkut capitalism/colonialism. His ec is more about longer term human-nature relations and their shaping of forests or landscapes. I love both and especially the combination
#PoliticalEcology #ClimateDiary #historicalecology
Hi everyone, today is the day my book, THE ATLAS OF EARLY MODERN WILDLIFE is published. 🙀💚
The Atlas catalogues the state of nature in Britain and Ireland during the sixteenth-eighteenth centuries. 🐺🦫🦅🦃🐳🐟🐢🐍🦞🦐
It's taken me five years to get to this point! The Atlas is based on over 10,000 records from 200+ primary sources (essentially books written in the time period)!
#biodiversity #extinction #wildlife #earlymodern #histodons #AnimalHistory #HistoricalEcology #HGIS #envhist
#biodiversity #extinction #wildlife #earlymodern #histodons #animalhistory #historicalecology #hgis #envhist
@dp @IsabVann2 @Biedermann
Well… i do really love wine, good wine. Real, good quality wine is a world apart from mass produced stuff full of chemicals. Every good vineyard is full of #HistoricalEcology, so much wonder, so much knowledge care and love over generations. And so many vineyards do #agroecology. Just like #PalmOil (which i work on): nothing wrong with plant, everything wrong with profit-oriented mass production!
#historicalecology #agroecology #palmoil
2/x #Iroko (Milicia excelsa) grows in tropical African forests but as a light-demander it thrives in openings and on abandoned farmland - it was through centuries of shifting cultivation that Nigeria's forests were rich in Iroko. Here a picture I took one near Iguesogba in #EdoState - a very nice reminder of some wonderful months I spent largely walking round, guided by two different really great "assistants" and now dear friends, learning about the #HistoricalEcology of Edo landscapes
#iroko #edostate #historicalecology
Starting a little #ThickTrunkTuesday series today: every week a short 🧵on a different #Tree and its #historicalecology, meanings, uses, #Mythology etc.
Today it’s the #Yew - a tree I’ve been intrigued by ever since we first came across this big old yew tree next to #Wilmington church here in #Sussex. It’s over 1,500 years old and pretty amazing! 1/x
#thicktrunktuesday #tree #historicalecology #mythology #yew #wilmington #sussex
#ClimateDiary Today is #BiodiversityDay. The overall trend is bleak, as the #BiodiversityStripes illustrate. But this is all the more reason to know and rediscover existing #biodiversity enhancing #AgroEcology practices.
Am reposting this #HistoricalEcology 🧵 I did during #COP15 in Dec’22 - a brief world tour through West and East Africa, Amazonia, Southeast Asia, China, Japan, Europe, N America - enoy! I do believe #IntermediateDisturbance is the way forward
#ClimateDiary #biodiversityday #BiodiversityStripes #biodiversity #agroecology #historicalecology #cop15 #intermediatedisturbance
@breadandcircuses 2/2 Instead, and this is what #HistoricalEcology is about, there are many different ways that humans can and have interacted with nature, including many positive, biodiversity-enhancing practices throughout world history, as I tried to show in my thread. This matters for conservation policy (not keeping the very people and practices that have crreated landscapes out) and for the transition we need now everywhere - it’s entirely possible, all the knowledge is there. Do read it 😊
Here a link to the earlier #HistoricalEcology thread, just in case anyone is interested #ClimateDiary
#historicalecology #ClimateDiary
#ClimateDiary This too sounds like a really good way forward - growing (more) mushrooms #Funghi in forests for #carboncapture and food. Discovered it in my children’s TheWeekJunior but saw now that Alistair Jump, one of the researchers involved, is here on Mastodon 😊 - @alistairjump I would love to learn more. Now Imagining a farming future with mosaics of #AgroVoltaics #MushroomForest and older good practices - see my earlier #HistoricalEcology thread for some examples
#ClimateDiary #funghi #CarbonCapture #agrovoltaics #mushroomforest #historicalecology
@atriverside i absolutely LOVE this article. Thank you so much for sharing it. This kind of #HistoricalEcology is just so wonderful - so important to really see, understand and hopefully revive all those cultural landscapes around us, #Coppicing, #Basketry #Wetlands and all
#historicalecology #coppicing #basketry #wetlands
Chopping lime just now i thought first about how nice lime is, and then wondered where it comes from - and then found the wikipedia page on citrus fruit really interesting, so thought i would share it here! #HistoricalEcology
@Bart I loved that article too when I first read it a year ago or so. I recently tried to find it again but somehow couldn't - instead, I found this one by the same author. Quite a lot of overlap but also some different material. and maybe you are interested in other parts of the thread I put together there - all around #HistoricalEcology etc
Just a quick add-on: getting into #hashtags! just followed #politicalecology #historicalecology #permaculture #forestgarden #indigenous #decolonise #degrowth #climatejustice #climateaction #commons #commoning
I am curious and excited about the potential for organising and building community, action, ideas around these hashtags
Any recommendations around this welcome
#hashtags #PoliticalEcology #historicalecology #permaculture #forestgarden #indigenous #decolonise #degrowth #ClimateJustice #ClimateAction #commons #commoning
So it's #Day13, the final day of #COP15 - and of our #historicalecology series here. To return to the original Guardian article all this was in response to (adding here again for reference): this (monster rather than mini) thread has tried to put together evidence that the history of our relationship to nature has not been one of unilinear destruction; and that destruction is not "human nature".
#day13 #cop15 #historicalecology
Whilst many of these practices disappeared over time, not all did - on the contrary. Oliver Rackham's great classic, History of the Countryside, so wonderfully captures British #historicalecology - here, too, it really hasn't been a story of unilinear deforestation, but an ever changing story of forest/human interplay. As in West Africa, UK was not, so often assumed, covered in forest until humans cut it all off; and copicing etc here, too, created particular forests, just like elsewhere
It's #Day9 of #COP15 and now we are in the #Mediterranean, an area full of rich #historicalecology and traditions of fostering #biodiversity. First look at #Spain and #Dehesa, an agrosilvopastoral system that combines nature conservation with sustainable rural development. This paper provides a good overview
#Day9 #cop15 #mediterranean #historicalecology #biodiversity #spain #dehesa
Today on #Day8 of #COP15 we are in #China, and I am posting a great piece about the #historicalecology of Jiuzhaigou National Nature Reserve in Sichuan Province. It discusses how moderate levels of disturbance create landscapes of higher biodiversity than complete protection - the “Intermediate disturbance hypothesis“ in landscape ecology. Yet here, too, the people who created
#day8 #cop15 #china #historicalecology
Today on #Day8 of #COP15 we are in #China, and I am posting a great piece about the #historicalecology of Jiuzhaigou National Nature Reserve in Sichuan Province. It discusses how moderate levels of disturbance create landscapes of higher biodiversity than complete protection - the “Intermediate disturbance hypothesis“ in landscape ecology. Yet here, too, the people who created
#day8 #cop15 #china #historicalecology
Today on #Day7 of this #COP15 #HistoricalEcology series, a very brief look at Japan's Satoyama system. I have to admit I only learned of this quite recently, when @BuildSoil mentioned that #StudioGhibli's My Neighbour Totoro was set in a Satoyama landscape. So this is more of a #fandom post - both of Studio Ghibli films (which I love) and of the Satoyama system. 'Satoyama' describes the mountain foothills and arable flat land border zone. Sato (里) means village, and yama (山) hill or mountain.
#day7 #cop15 #historicalecology #studioghibli #fandom