Some fencing I wanted to show. We had Ruggers, i.e. large Bauernwehrs, made for us by Ádám Bodorics. It was interesting fencing with the these, because unlike our "normal" Messers, these have no crossguard, just a Nagel, and they are also shorter.
It was fun seeing how it changed our fencing.
#HEMA #historicalfencing #fencing #Messer #historicaleuropeanmartialarts
#hema #historicalfencing #fencing #Messer #HistoricalEuropeanMartialArts
If you’re interested in martial arts and especially swords, this match-up is fantastic: katana & wakizashi versus messer & buckler. I’m not an expert in either, but these look like very skilled exchanges to me.
cc @DrMcStrange
#martialArts #kendo #kenjutsu #hema #historicalEuropeanMartialArts #historicalFencing #japaneseMartialArts #sword #swords
#swords #sword #japanesemartialarts #historicalfencing #HistoricalEuropeanMartialArts #hema #kenjutsu #kendo #martialarts
Hello. Please enjoy my new fancy pants.
They’re based on pluderhosen, a sixteenth-century style of breeches.
They’re also heavily padded and able to withstand 800N of force (which is apparently enough for a 1.3KG broadsword).
#fashion #hema #fencing #history #historicalFencing #martialArts #sword #physics
#physics #sword #martialarts #historicalfencing #history #fencing #hema #fashion
Hello. Please enjoy my new fancy pants.
They’re based on pluderhosen, a sixteenth-century style of breeches.
They’re also heavily padded and able to withstand 800N of force.
#fashion #hema #fencing #history #historicalFencing #martialArts #sword
#sword #martialarts #historicalfencing #history #fencing #hema #fashion
I've been doing Balkan dance classes this year, and am still teaching my Italian (and some spanish) #HistoricalFencing classes. I keep being really impressed how well the two integrate, and am really starting to wonder what would happen if I really dug into the dance and music styles contemporary to the swordplay styles I teach.
We got to do more #HistoricalFencing lessons this weekend. I'm really pleased at how everyone is coming along and really love how powerful everyone is looking.
I wrote a brief thing about two governing philosophies of balanced swordsmanship:
#historicalfencing #fencing #swords #hema
Just some fencing with the spadroon for fun:
#fencing #historicalfencing #hema #historicaleuropeanmartialarts #hma
#fencing #historicalfencing #hema #HistoricalEuropeanMartialArts #hma
An interesting historical source discussing the quality and effects of #sentimientodelhierro #sentimentdufer #tactdufer #tattodelferro #feelthesteel #bladecontact
Explication of tact
from 'Fencing Applied to the Military Art' by the Citizen Bertrand, Master at Arms. Paris 1801
RT @marquettefencer
1822 / 1823
in English / in Spanish
R. Guzman / E. Thomase
#primarysource #sidebyside #historicalfencing
#bladefeel #tattodelfer…
#tattodelfer #bladefeel #historicalfencing #sidebyside #primarysource #bladecontact #feelthesteel #tattodelferro #tactdufer #sentimentdufer #sentimientodelhierro
Może kogoś zainteresuje...
Bardzo fajnie zrobiony pojedynek na messery
#hema #desw #historicalfencing
Managed to take a better picture now I think.
#HEMA #Messer #historicalfencing #historicaleuropeanmartialarts
#hema #messer #historicalfencing #HistoricalEuropeanMartialArts
I'm a bit radio silent due to feeling behind on writing... but a new toy arrived! #HistoricalFencing
:blobcatdrakeno: Complaining about Monday morning.
:blobcatdrakeyes: Attacking Monday morning with a sword.
#sword #swords #historicalFencing #martialArts #history #renissaance #hema
#hema #renissaance #history #martialarts #historicalfencing #swords #sword
My Year of Cuts continues. Today is Day 29 of 365. I’m using arming sword and a small buckler (shield).
You can follow my journey to ~13,000 cuts here:
#sword #swords #martialArts #hema #historicalFencing #history #exercise
#exercise #history #historicalfencing #hema #martialarts #swords #sword
My Year of Cuts continues. Today is Day 29 of 265. I’m using arming sword and a small buckler (shield).
You can follow my journey to ~13,000 cuts here:
#sword #swords #martialArts #hema #historicalFencing #history #exercise
#exercise #history #historicalfencing #hema #martialarts #swords #sword
Good morning, everyone.
It’s a gorgeous day here: breezy, with a blue skies.
After reading Seyffert’s dictionary of classical antiquity, I took a short trip to the late Middle Ages.
#sword #swords #hema #historicalFencing #history #middleAges #martialArts
#martialarts #middleages #history #historicalfencing #hema #swords #sword
Our fencing club’s new patches arrived this past weekend. #HistoricalFencing
The shinier corner of my study.
Left to right: rapier, parrying dagger, antique foil, broadsword, sidesword, arming sword, longsword, antique officer’s sword (hidden by longsword), sabre, smallsword. Horizontal: keris.
#sword #swords #hema #historicalFencing #martialArts #homeDecor #homeOffice
#homeoffice #homedecor #martialarts #historicalfencing #hema #swords #sword
I wanted to mount it differently and in a different place, but the walls in our 1895 flat fought us every inch of the way. The first place had cables running the exact height we wanted to hang it. In the backup place we could not drill deep enough into the wall because of what felt like solid steel.Then we decided to try nails, but one of the four was in a place where the wall was very sandy, and would not hold.
So now we have three nails and a nail fortified by glue...