Does the #PeutingerMap explorer work for others, or is it dead for everyone not just me? I see all broken tiles. #cartography #HistoricalMaps #maps #HistoricalGeography #GeographicalHistory
#peutingermap #cartography #historicalmaps #maps #historicalgeography #geographicalhistory
Consolidated Corporate Control and Lost Indigenous Livelihoods: The Impacts of the Postwar Restructuring of Forestry in Northwestern British Columbia.
The Forest History Association of British Columbia invites you to a Zoom
meeting. Tyler McCreary's Presentation to be followed by discussion.
Please register in advance:
All are welcome!
#ForestHistory #BritishColumbia #EnvHist #HistoricalGeography #Indigenous #Reconciliation
#foresthistory #britishcolumbia #envhist #historicalgeography #indigenous #reconciliation
Online release of the 1931 Census has Library and Archives Canada servers groaning. When the crowd clears, you can make use of this new source at:
#ArchivalResearch #Canada #Demography #genealogy #HistoricalGeography
#archivalresearch #canada #demography #genealogy #historicalgeography
Neuer Blogbeitrag in #Paysages: „Net schon wieder #Ulm“ : Über die Buchpräsentation „Aus dem Grau der #Kriegszeit –Geschichten hinter der #Geschichte“ in der Bad #Saulgauer Stadthalle am Donnerstag den 25.5.2033 #WKII #Badsaulgau #histodon #historicalgeography #Oberschwaben #WordwarII #Erinnerungskultur
#paysages #ulm #kriegszeit #geschichte #saulgauer #wkii #badsaulgau #histodon #historicalgeography #oberschwaben #wordwarii #Erinnerungskultur
neue Folge #ChefVorlesung:
"anthropogene Entfernungen - abstrakte Banalitäten der Verkehrs- und Siedlungsgeographie"
@histodons #geography #historicalgeography #landscapearchaeology
#chefvorlesung #geography #historicalgeography #landscapearchaeology
Review of Lisa Anne Smith's "Hastings Mill: The Historic Times of a Vancouver Community", by David B.
"This is the biography of a building. The Hastings-Mill General-Store and Post-Office was always a centre around which intersecting communities congregated..."
#BritishColumbia #ForestHistory #HistoricalGeography #EnvironmentalHistory #Vancouver
#britishcolumbia #foresthistory #historicalgeography #environmentalhistory #vancouver
👉🏽👉🏽History and Philosophy of Geography #HPGRG research group online conference, Geographical Relativities, 14th April 2023, 15h00-18h00 GMT, exploring concepts, and practices, of relativity in fin-de-siecle geography and #HistoricalGeography. Keynote: Rosemary Lévy Zumwalt. Sign up…
I got to see Ellen Frenkel’s #Quakertown #quilt again today. It will be on exhibition starting on Monday March 13th 1pm at the #Denton Senior Center. It will be there for a week. #HistoricalGeography #map #maps #DentonTX #AfricanAmericanHistory
#quakertown #quilt #denton #historicalgeography #map #maps #dentontx #africanamericanhistory
I got to see Ellen Frenkel’s #Quakertown #quilt again today. It will be on exhibition starting on Monday March 13th 1pm at the #Denton Senior Center. It will be there for a week. #HistoricalGeography #map #maps #DentonTX
#quakertown #quilt #denton #historicalgeography #map #maps #dentontx
Spring in January, a couple of days before the snow. This is one of the few sheepfolds that are still active. The pastures are slowly getting overrun by young forests. #Romania #fieldwork #historicalgeography
#Romania #fieldwork #historicalgeography
#Indigenous #cartography – the Sigüenza Map, illustrating the Aztec migration from Aztlán to Tenochtitlan
Date of creation is unclear but the map was catalogued as part of the Boturini Collection in the mid-18th century.
#Indigenous #cartography #historicalgeography #mexico
The Treaty of Messilla that led to the Gadsden Purchase was drafted 169 years ago.
Herman Ehrenberg’s 1858 ‘Map of the Gadsden Purchase : Sonora and portions of New Mexico, Chihuaua & California’ shows Willcox Playa as “Dry bed of Salt Lake” and stops on the Butterfield Stagecoach route (including Ojo de Vaca and Cooke’s Spring).
#HistoricalGeography #Mexico #NewMexico #Arizona,0.077,0.226,0.31,0
#historicalgeography #mexico #newmexico #arizona
The West Indies: Patterns of Development, Culture and Environmental Change Since 1492 by David Watts
#Caribbean, #Caribbeanhistory, #historyoftheCaribbean, #geography, #historicalgeography, #genocide, #blackchattelslavery, #slavetrade, #antiblackness, #translatlanticslavetrade, #whitesupremacy, #imperialism, #colonialism, #spanishimperialism, #spanishcolonialism, #britishimperialism, #britishcolonialism, #frenchimperialism, #frenchcolonialism, #dutchimperialism, #dutchcolonialism, #amerikas, #northamerika, #plantations, #plantationeconomy, #sugarplantations, #environmentalgeography, #slavesocieties, #ecology
This magisterial survey of the historical geography of the West Indies is at bottom concerned with the causes and consequences of three complex and inter-related phenomena: the rapid and total removal of a large aboriginal population; the development of plantation agriculture and the arrival of enforced labour, in the form of many thousands of African slaves; and the environmental, ecological and cultural changes that resulted.
#caribbean #Caribbeanhistory #historyoftheCaribbean #geography #historicalgeography #genocide #blackchattelslavery #slavetrade #antiblackness #translatlanticslavetrade #whitesupremacy #imperialism #colonialism #spanishimperialism #spanishcolonialism #britishimperialism #britishcolonialism #frenchimperialism #frenchcolonialism #dutchimperialism #dutchcolonialism #amerikas #northamerika #plantations #plantationeconomy #sugarplantations #environmentalgeography #slavesocieties #ecology
@Nyddfwch I am also finding in Northamptonshire, Bedfordshire & N Hertfordshire that almost every wood here today, is only present because earlier mining had left the land fit for agriculture. Here are ancient iron ore adits at Wakeley Woods in Northants for example. #historicalgeography #Industrialarchaeology #LandscapeHistory #Postindustrialwoodland
#historicalgeography #industrialarchaeology #landscapehistory #postindustrialwoodland
My script for #AncientWoodland (emphasis on Welsh cases) based on local surveys 2014 to 2019. One of my conclusions was that landscape often classed as Welsh Ancient Woodland was often post-industrial woodland or land severely damaged by coal mining even though the coal mining or iron activities may have ended in the seventeenth century or earlier enabling the current recovered woodland to present as Ancient. #HistoricalGeography #IndustrialArchaeology #LandscapeHistory #PostIndustrialWoodland
#postindustrialwoodland #landscapehistory #industrialarchaeology #historicalgeography #AncientWoodland
#newbie #introduction to me. I'm a geography prof who loves to #teach and loves the intersections of #history and #geography. My latest #book is a #historicalgeography study of #travelers in #19thC #arkansas entitled Arkansas Travelers. Hope it might be of interest to a few #histodons. Also very interested in #urbanhistory.
#newbie #introduction #teach #history #geography #book #historicalgeography #travelers #19thC #arkansas #histodons #urbanhistory
Exploring a hidden valley, in an abandoned village. #fieldwork #historicalgeography #Romania
#fieldwork #historicalgeography #Romania
In researching local #landscapehisory and #historicalgeography, I often use images from De Re Metallica as a guide.Written in 1556 it is an encyclopedia of industrial techniques, really useful for Welsh history! This one shows mining.The artist #JustinBerry remade the image by removing the people to just focus on the damage to the environment showing the tree stumps and waste piles.This is what some of the land around Swansea would have looked like in the 1700s, particularly north Swansea.
#justinberry #historicalgeography #landscapehisory
It's fieldwork time again! Here is a stone cross from 1736 #fieldwork #Romania #historicalgeography
#fieldwork #Romania #historicalgeography
Having lots of fun browsing the university of Wales special collections this morning. Stunning illustrations in "Les dons merveilleux et diversement colories de la nature dans le regne minerais", 1782