Here's Port Adelaide in the 1840s.
Use the interactive map to see the port from the (literal) points of view of colonial artists. Overlaid on an historical map.
I've just updated this map - first developed in 2020 - with new content and a nicer "feel". (Best with computer or tablet, not phone.)
#PortAdelaide #SouthAustralia #1840s #HistoryAU #HistoricalMapping #uMap #ArtHistoryAU #S_T_Gill
Link via:
#portadelaide #southaustralia #1840s #historyau #historicalmapping #umap #arthistoryau #s_t_gill
@ohm @kmcdono This sounds an exciting trial on 19th century UK OS maps of Edinburgh which I’d expect have a comparative data advantage over many colonial Australian maps in corresponding well with current built features.
After 185 years Colonel William Light's map of Adelaide is now digital. His "Plan of the City..." includes the names of the original purchasers of the 1042 acre sections. Zoom in to an acre to see its buyer. See how many acres the great OG bought. Search by name.
The Light/Gliddon map was published in 1837, not 1840 as is often catalogued. It is the earliest published map of Adelaide and its individual acres.
My new research and interactive map:
#Adelaide #SouthAustralia #WilliamLight #HistoryAU #FamilyHistoryAU #HistoricalMapping #uMap
#adelaide #southaustralia #williamlight #historyau #familyhistoryau #historicalmapping #umap
You can search for a map by place name but often you want to search by zooming around a map. (Like using your phone to find something “near me”.) You can find paintings that way in my #S_T_Gill project. And you may be familiar with this for (rectified) maps in #MapWarper / #PROVmapWarper.
Tim Sherratt has just built this finder map for maps in Trove. This is an excellent complement to Trove itself. A date range filter would enhance it, but I’m already using it today.
#GLAMWorkbench #TroveAu #Trove #HistoricalMapping
#s_t_gill #mapwarper #provmapwarper #glamworkbench #troveau #Trove #historicalmapping
@michwatsonoz We make it look easy to others but there’s lots of work describing and locating each point. I find such work very satisfying and giving greater insight to the viewer. Although my own map collection is pretty firmed up, I’m still making adjustments. #HistoricalMapping
Here's an interesting example of historical mapping taking form - century old detailed maps of St Kilda streets and buildings from the Public Record Office Victoria (PROV) - digitised and overlayed on a modern map. It's early days - just put into a mosaic today. I think it'll benefit from cropping the map sheet images for a better overlap. (I georeference PROV maps as a volunteer. It can range in difficulty from the easy to a hard historical research task.)
#HistoricalMapping #StKilda #PROVmapWarper #HistoryAU #CitizenHumanities
Link to view map:
#historicalmapping #stkilda #provmapwarper #historyau #citizenhumanities
I'm a retired systems designer and developer living in Canberra. For interest I research the life and work of artist S T Gill 1840-1852. I'm using a data driven approach - including historical mapping - to build a “place and time machine”. I post content from the project. I also run a couple of U3A courses and I'll post some things from the garden.
IMAGE: Screenshot of interactive Adelaide map showing one of Gill's Government House watercolours.
#Canberra, #CanberraGarden, #U3A, #S_T_Gill, #HistoricalMapping, #ArtHistoryAU
#introduction #canberra #canberragarden #u3a #s_t_gill #historicalmapping #arthistoryau