“On that 11 September, the Chilean armed forces, led by the coup general Augusto Pinochet, carried out a coup d'état that shocked the entire country and overwhelmed the whole world”.
Link: https://laeradelosderechoshumanos.home.blog/2023/09/11/chile-50-years-later/
#DerechosHumanos #HumanRights #Chile #SalvadorAllende #Pinochet #Justicia #Justice #Verdad #Truth #Reparación #Reparation #MemoriaHistórica #HistoricalMemory #JusticiaUniversal #UniversalJurisdiction
#derechoshumanos #humanrights #chile #salvadorallende #pinochet #justicia #justice #verdad #truth #reparacion #reparation #memoriahistorica #historicalmemory #justiciauniversal #UniversalJurisdiction
“Aquel 11 de septiembre, las fuerzas armadas chilenas, lideradas por el general golpista, Augusto Pinochet, llevaron a cabo un golpe de estado que conmocionó a todo el país y sobrecogió al mundo entero”.
Link: https://laeradelosderechoshumanos.home.blog/2023/09/11/chile-50-anos-despues/
#DerechosHumanos #HumanRights #Chile #SalvadorAllende #Pinochet #Justicia #Justice #Verdad #Truth #Reparación #Reparation #MemoriaHistórica #HistoricalMemory #JusticiaUniversal #UniversalJurisdiction
#derechoshumanos #humanrights #chile #salvadorallende #pinochet #justicia #justice #verdad #truth #reparacion #reparation #memoriahistorica #historicalmemory #justiciauniversal #UniversalJurisdiction
“He would wake to see the towers and minarets printed on the exhausted, dust-powdered sky, and see as if en montage on them the giant footprints of the historical memory which lies behind the recollections of individual personality, its mentor and guide: indeed its inventor, since man is only an extension of the spirit of place.”
~ Lawrence Durrell, The Alexandria Quartet
#LawrenceDurrell #AlexandriaQuartet #HistoricalMemory #SpiritOfPlace
#spiritofplace #historicalmemory #alexandriaquartet #LawrenceDurrell
Time for an #Introduction:
I'm Darío, a Spanish lawyer based in NYC 🗽 specialized in representing sovereign states and private clients in human rights, investment, and commercial lawsuits across the globe. I also provide assistance to local arts organizations in securing the legal support they need.
I'm over the moon to be part of this community, and I'm raring to take part in conversation revolving around #Mobility, #Tech, #Poetry, #Music, #Democracy, and #HistoricalMemory. Give me a shout 👋!
#introduction #mobility #tech #poetry #music #democracy #historicalmemory
The blog post’s mostly centred around #HistoricalMemory: how and why he’s remembered differently in Spain’s ongoing ‘memory wars,’ and includes recent updates on the Democratic Memory Law passed only a few a weeks ago.
#historicalmemory #SpanishHistory #europeanhistory
The blog post’s mostly centred around #HistoricalMemory / #MemoriaHistorica: how and why he’s remembered differently and how activists and academics are challenging this long-standing narrative in what's been termed Spain’s ongoing ‘memory wars.’ The blog post also includes updates on the recent Democratic Memory Law passed only a few a weeks ago.
#historicalmemory #SpanishHistory #europeanhistory #memoriahistorica #spain
Buenos días, dear pachyderms (especially #histodons and #Iberianists). If you are interested in following an on-site reporter who covers issues pertaining to #humanrights and #HistoricalMemory (#memoriahistorica) in #Spain, consider following Willy Veleta, who is physically present, camera-in-hand, at numerous exhumations of human remains buried in out-of-the-way places during the brutal Francoist repression after the Spanish Civil War. He also covers current events in the streets of Madrid and other parts of Spain. In Spanish. Here is his handle, which links to his page: @VeletaWilly
#sPAIN #memoriahistorica #historicalmemory #humanrights #Iberianists #histodons
Buenos días, dear pachyderms (especially #histodons and #Iberianists). If you are interested in following an on-site reporter who covers issues pertaining to #humanrights and #HistoricalMemory (#memoriahistorica) in #Spain, consider following Willy Veleta, who is physically present, camera-in-hand, at numerous exhumations of human remains buried in out-of-the-way places during the brutal Francoist repression after the Spanish Civil War. He also covers current events in the streets of Madrid and other parts of Spain. In Spanish. Here is his handle: @VeletaWilly
#sPAIN #memoriahistorica #historicalmemory #humanrights #Iberianists #histodons
A post with some topics I'm interested in, for better visibility/networking:
#Gothic #ghosts #GhostStories #hauntology
#dictatorship #fascism #memory #memorystudies
#trauma #traumastudies #Spain #Spanishfiction
#litstudies #literature #novels #literaturestudies #gothicstudies #historicalmemory #spanishliterature
#gothic #ghosts #GhostStories #hauntology #dictatorship #fascism #memory #memorystudies #trauma #traumastudies #sPAIN #Spanishfiction #litstudies #literature #novels #literaturestudies #gothicstudies #historicalmemory #spanishliterature #peninsularstudies