#WritingWonders July 22: Does your MC cause drama or resolve it within their group of friends?
Maius is a quiet, sensible man. He is not one to cause drama.
(His best friend Damianus would like to disagree and point out that he got a number of grey hairs on one memorable occasion when Medicus Florius did indeed cause drama on a grand scale.)
#historicalmmromance #historicalromance #writingwonders
#FridayKiss - "cozy"
Caomh wished nothing more than to stay in this cozy room, in the arms of his Roman, letting him coddle and caress him as much as he liked.
But perhaps it was better that their time should be ruthlessly circumscribed, or he might give himself completely over to fancy. And that, of course, wouldn't do.
He sat up and pushed himself off the couch. "I need to go."
#mmromance #historicalmmromance #historicalromance #fridaykiss
#WritingWonders Day 20: Secondary character POV: What’s the biggest sacrifice you’re ready to make for the MCs?
Aurelius Adelphios, pilus prior of the Fourth Cohort, glaring: Why in the world would I sacrifice ANYthing for a gladiator of all people? Now, as to my cohort's medicus - people better keep their hands off my medicus! It was damn hard to fill that position and I will not let anything happen to Medicus Florius!
#historicalmmromance #historicalromance #writingwonders
#WritingWonders 5. Has your MC ever been involved in a physical altercation? If so, why?
Caomh is a gladiator, so physical altercations are part of his job.
Now as to Maius - he is a military doctor and a very sensible man. Somebody like him would never ever get into any kind of physical altercation, would he? WOULD HE??? 😙
#historicalmmromance #historicalromance #writingwonders
Reading your own book on an e-reader for the first time is always so exciting. Your manuscript looks like a real book! Wooohooo!
So I'm now sitting here, going through The Gladiator's Passion, my m/m historical romance, one last time. I can't wait for you all to meet Maius and Caomh!
And yes, that's an archaeological map of the main setting of my novel. Welcome to Traiana, everybody! 😀
#historicalmmromance #historicalromance
#WritingWonders July 2 Do you think your readers will find your MC likeable?
Maius is a sunshiny cinnamon-roll hero, easy-going, with a twinkle of good-natured humor, so I think he is very likeable indeed and readers will root for him.
Caomh, on the other hand, is a rather prickly man (the grumpy to Maius' sunshine) and is, perhaps, more difficult to like.
#mmromance #historicalmmromance #historicalromance #writingwonders
Hi @romancelandia
I'm looking for book reviewers who enjoy m/m romances and unusual historicals - and would like to give my upcoming novel The Gladiator's Passion a try.
You'll find a mini blurb and content guidance on the sign-up form:
#GrumpySunshine #historicalmmromance #historicalromance
#WritingWonders Day 25 Do you have any characters over 50 in your book?
There are several secondary characters over 50, like:
Philyssam, the mentor of my sunshiny military doctor hero
Valeus, the prefect at the legionary fortress of Vetera
Fronto, the head veterinarian at Vetera
Pompeius Tullus, the doctor of the auxiliary cohort led by my hero's father
Bellicianus, the veterinarian of the same cohort
and not to forget Livia, my hero's mother
#historicalmmromance #historicalromance #writingwonders
Who wants to meet a gladiator? Here's a short snippet from a longer reading I'll send to my newsletter subscribers tomorrow. Enjoy!
#mmromance #historicalmmromance #historicalromance
Maius raises his brows. "You do?"
With a laugh, Caomh leans over, slips his hand around the other man's neck, and presses a kiss on his lips. "I do, Roman. And well you know it."
#mmromance #historicalmmromance #historicalromance
#WritingWonders day 15. What’s your setting: urban, rural, natural, something else?
My two main settings are the legionary fortress of Vetera and the town Colonia Ulpia Traiana more or less right next to it. We're in the province of Germania Inferior, so things are far less grand than in, say, Rome.
Maius, my military doctor hero, is happy though because he spent the past years in a fort in Caledonia, north of the Antonine Wall.
#historicalmmromance #historicalromance #writingwonders
"Ah, these." The Roman chuckled and closed his eyes again. "Mafdet."
"An ancient goddess. And also my cat."
Despite himself Caomh grinned. "Your cat is an ancient goddess?"
#maiusandcaomh #mmromance #historicalmmromance #historicalromance
#WritingWonders June 6: Does your MC have any nicknames? If so, how did they come by them?
Maius' nickname among the men of his father's cohort is "Sahsa", which means "knife" and is a reference to his job as a medicus.
Caomh doesn't have a nickname as such, but is generally known under his arena name, "Rufulus", a reference to his red hair.
#historicalmmromance #mmromance #historicalromance #writingwonders
Short reading from The Centurion's Choice anybody?
Historical m/m romance with grumpy / sunshine heroes and an enemies-to-friends-to-lovers plot
#historicalmmromance #mmromance #historicalromance
Hi @romancelandia
Do you like unusual historicals and weird bits of history? Then make sure to sign up for my (newly revived) newsletter!
You'll get updates about my WIPs and upcoming novels, behind-the-scenes info about bits of my historical research, and lots of goodies.
At the moment, just in time for Pride Month, you get a free copy of my Roman m/m romance The Centurion's Choice.
Sign up here:
#historicalmmromance #mmromance #historicalromance
#WritingWonders May 4: MC POV: When was the last time you traveled? Where did you go? Why?
Welllllll, I got my heart broken in the prologue (can you believe how mean my author is?!?) and then I traveled from an auxiliary fort beyond the wall in Caledonia to the legionary fortress of Vetera in the province of Germania Inferior. There I started a new job as one of the legion's military doctors.
#mmromance #historicalmmromance #historicalromance #writingwonders
Catching up with #WritingWonders Day 1: You're transported into your WIP world. Where is the first place you're going.
The Nemean Lion, one of the inns close to the harbor of the city of Traiana. (The locals have nicknamed it The Lion and the Pup due to the littly doggie thar has been added to the fresco of Hercules and the lion on the outside wall of the inn.)
The inn is an excellent place to get some food! ☺️
#queerromance #historicalmmromance #historicalromance #writingwonders
#WritingWonders June 2: Were any of your fictional settings inspired by real world locations?
Yes! The main setting of my novel is the legionary fortress of Vetera on the lower Rhine and the town Colonia Ulpia Traiana. The latter you can actually still visit: the archaeological park of Xanten covers most the old Roman city.
#queerromance #historicalmmromance #historicalromance #writingwonders
#WritingWonders May 18: Do many people find your MCs attractive?
Look, they're making *statuettes* of Caomh. Some of them in the nude (he'd like to point out that some essential body parts have been depicted rather smaller proportionally and NOT realistically at all).
#maiusandcaomh #historicalmmromance #historicalromance #writingwonders
Hi, I'm Sandy and I write historical romance - some m/f, some m/m. I love unusual settings and unusual characters.
3 things about one of my fav side characters from the WIP:
1) Mafdet is a cat named after an ancient goddess.
2) She is a very grumpy cat.
3) So far, she has not thrown any of my hero's gladiator statuettes off the shelf - something I probably ought to rectify. Hm....
#historicalmmromance #historicalromance