I participate in some of the traditions of the village like #Fensterfreitag . Much of my experience offline, when not shouting at the radio, is local. This rather scruffy Victorian church was Swedenborgian once. It is now used by Islingon Arts Factory, a charity that provides studio and rehersal space, classes (esp. dance), workshops, and exhibition space. I got some of the best bits of it (not shown here) listed by #HistoricEngland. Behind the window are potters' wheels.
#Fensterfreitag #historicengland
🚨 Attn #UK #Conservation, #History, #Geology, #StoneMason, #Architecture, & #Surveyor peeps!
Together w #BritishGeologicalSurvey, #HistoricEngland has launched a #BuildingStones #database for #England, the country's first online searchable tool featuring over 4,000 types of building stone, their uses & sources, with 45 illustrated guides to the distinctive stone buildings, geology, & #quarries that define local areas.
#BGS #GIS #England #Heritage #Lithology #Histodon
#uk #conservation #history #geology #StoneMason #architecture #surveyor #britishgeologicalsurvey #historicengland #buildingstones #database #england #Quarries #bgs #gis #heritage #lithology #Histodon
Celebrating England’s high streets – in pictures
'Picturing High Streets is a three-year project, led by Historic England, to show the rich diversity of modern English towns. The most evocative images are part of a major exhibition touring the country'
#photography #DocumentaryPhotography #PhotoExhibition #HistoricEngland
#historicengland #photoexhibition #documentaryphotography #Photography
#HistoricEngland advertising for 3 members for #London Advisory Committee. https://historicengland.org.uk/about/jobs/external-advisers/lac-advisers/
Emigrant Ship en Route From London to New Zealand With Exceptionally Rare Ceramics on Board Now Protected
#archaeology #shipwrecks #ceramics #historicengland
Yorkshire's 'Stonehenge of the North' gifted to the nation
#ripon #yorkshire #uk #historicengland #nationaltrust
Historic England have made a video of our bell ringers. #bellringing #HistoricEngland
#FensterFreitag These leaded glass windows -- still in need of repair! -- are part of the curious Verger's Cottage, 1908 for a Swedenborgian church in #Islington. It's the first surviving work by #EGTrobridge who was himself a Swedenborgian. Fine mosaics inside. Now in use as part of Islington Arts Factory. Proud moment: I got the building listed by #HistoricEngland
#Fensterfreitag #islington #egtrobridge #historicengland
THere's been plenty of research on World War One training trenches, some of it mentioned in this excellent article by a former colleague of mine Chris Burgess https://www.researchgate.net/publication/320282825_The_WW1_practice_trenches_on_Blaeberry_Hill_near_Rothbury_Northumberland_Coquetdale_Community_Archaeology_Excavations_in_2008#pf7 so I can't help but suspect it's the TV link to the dreadful #SASRogueheroes driving this year's festive announcement of all the stuff #HistoricEngland think will get them column inches...
#sasrogueheroes #historicengland
As much a part of the fun of Christmas as anything else is the annual announcement by #HistoricEngland of their listings of various buildings and leftovers of the past. As a guide to historic interest it's hit and miss; as a guide to what stirs the juices of the average Daily Express reader its spot on. Want an example? Some world War one training trenches have been listed in Norfolk - small surprise as there's been a lot of that going on, but newsworthy because of a tenuous link to the SAS...
Stunning discoveries in a field in #Rutland following accidental moments by a farmer over lockdown. Further information on recent work since it featured on #DiggingforBritain which also push the sites founding further back in time. All photos are credit #HistoricEngland and can be found in this article along with a great story of collaboration & partnership. Very jealous #archaeologist here!
#Archaeology #archaedon #Roman #RomanBritain
#rutland #DiggingforBritain #historicengland #archaeologist #archaeology #archaedon #roman #romanbritain
@honey there's a great website from #HistoricEngland for lots of their aerial photos including WWII ones all showing lost archaeology in the landscape: https://historicengland.org.uk/images-books/archive/collections/aerial-photos/
In terms of records really good question very small church and community, but their records might have been absorbed into larger Dorset church community. In terms of superimposing beliefs it was very common to do such things this just happens to be most visual example as church is smaller than the monument
A Bronze Age Bowl Barrow on Yew Tree Heath in the #NewForest for #tombtuesday. This Barrow survives as a very visible landmark in a popular part of the New Forest & survived the construction of a #WWII anti-aircraft gun battery close by. #archaeology.
Photos added to Historic England listing page https://historicengland.org.uk/listing/the-list/list-entry/1009923. #Enrichthelist #HistoricEngland
#NewForest #TombTuesday #wwii #archaeology #Enrichthelist #historicengland
Just thought I would post a few hash tags reflecting my interests.
#thelandmarktrust #historicengland #EnglishHeritage #oldlawnmowers #ClassicCars #triumphstag #cadw #historicscotland #thelabourparty #Labour #painting #nobots
Today, #historicengland publishes its #Heritage at Risk Register for 2022. The Register gives an annual snapshot of the critical health of England’s most valued historic places and those most at risk of being lost.
Over the past year, 175 historic buildings and sites have been added to the Register because of their deteriorating condition and 233 sites have been saved and their futures secured.
A day in #NewForest National Park undertaking some #archaeology monitoring of this #BronzeAge Barrow on #NationalTrust northern commons along with other Scheduled Monuments in area. The Barrow really stands out when it's partially infilled ditch has water in it. Unfortunately erosion has meant it is on the #Heritage at Risk Register, but meeting with partners from #NaturalEngland, #HistoricEngland & #NationalPark has hopefully mapped a way forward & a protected future for this significant site
#NewForest #archaeology #bronzeage #NationalTrust #heritage #NaturalEngland #historicengland #nationalpark
For most of the past 20 years I worked in the #PublicSector and was careful what I posted. I left #HistoricEngland in June and I felt liberated. I'm still careful, but not as guarded. My views don't necessarily reflect my employer #NationalTrust but I am no longer expected to keep quiet on Government craziness.
#nationaltrust #historicengland #publicsector