#historidon looking for disasters, in American history, which were triggered by lack of oversight or regulation. Which then led to more regulation. Trying to counter the " regulation hinders innovation" discourse.
I do not understand trans discrimination. Cold statistics, they don’t register significance in US gen pop (even less globally) for any variety of discriminatory hate, so why? They threaten no one; all they need is our support. Surely it is obvious this is a Straw Man fallacy. It goes beyond bigotry. Can someone please tell me what the latent issue is? There are people I love that are suffering. #sociology #philosophy #theologidon #historidon #psychology
#sociology #philosophy #theologidon #historidon #psychology
I need your help. I am looking for a book. It was a mid century theological text on theodicy and global systems. One evidentiary illustration was of an early 70s BBC television series, wildly popular, on the geopolitics of fuel. Inexplicably, the series was cancelled miid-run and the master tapes mysteriously destroyed in a vault fire. If title and author sound famiiar to you, would you please tell me? My PhD is in organizational systems and I'm writing a book. #theology #theologidon #historidon
#theology #theologidon #historidon
Scientific American introduces roller skates (1870)
found via https://www.reddit.com/r/HistoryOfTech/comments/10k8hpd/scientific_flirting/
#history #historidon #illustration
I thought I would use the time between the end of today's big task (2-ish) and the faculty senate meeting (now in 30 minutes) to grade papers, but as it happens, I went off to ask for the free coffee to which I am entitled on my reward card and had some nice conversations that I enjoyed. #EnjoyItInGoodHealth #mazeldons #historidon #coffee #conversations
#conversations #coffee #historidon #mazeldons #enjoyitingoodhealth