Friends and fans of #emdiplomacy, don't miss this interesting call for papers on translations in #earlymodern #diplomacy! Deadline: 15 September 2023
#histodons #history #historikerinnen @histodons
#emdiplomacy #earlymodern #diplomacy #histodons #history #historikerInnen
You can search for more digital editions on:
This is a catalogue by @patrick_sahle that collects digital editions and is searcheable for period, language, topic, source genre etc. It is continuously updated.
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#dh #history #historikerInnen #histodons
The Viennesse Diary, the most important newspaper in the Habsburg monarchy in the 18th century, is also online. There you find regularly reports on diplomatic events and festivities.
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#historikerInnen #history #histodons
If you’re looking for a different view on #emdiplomacy, you might want to look at newspapers and pamphlets. Newspapers of the 17th century are online here.
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#emdiplomacy #histodons #history #historikerInnen
Imperial #emdiplomacy did not only take place in far away places, but also within the #HolyRomanEmpire itself. #ImperialDiets were a central place of diplomacy. Selected volumes of the Reichstagsakten are available online.
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#emdiplomacy #HolyRomanEmpire #imperialdiets #historikerInnen #history #histodons
Other Imperial #diplomats were sent to the #OttomanEmpire. @qhod provides a digital edition of the instruction, letters, travel reports of the mission of Johann Rudolf Schmid zum Schwarzenhorn to the High Porte in 1649.
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#diplomats #ottomanempire #history #histodons #historikerInnen
Diplomats travelled to very different parts of the #earlymodern world. The reports of Imperial #emdiplomats from the #Russian court in the late 17th and early 18th centuries are edited.
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#earlymodern #emdiplomats #Russian #histodons #historikerInnen #history
The letters of a particular #English #Diplomat Thomas Bodley, who served under #QueenElizabethI in the 1580s and 1590s, are available in an online edition:
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#english #Diplomat #queenelizabethi #history #historikerInnen #histodons
Friends of #Scandinavian #diplomacy will be happy to hear that the Swedish National Archives in Stockholm continuously digitizes its diplomatica collection.
The #English/#British State Papers that provide a huge amount of diplomatic reports are already online, although with limited access.
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#scandinavian #diplomacy #english #historikerInnen #histodons #history
A special kind of #peace were religious peace treaties. They are edited by the project “Religious Preservation of Peace and Peace-making in Europe (1500–1800)”.
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#peace #histodons #history #historikerInnen
As diplomats regularly had to negotiate peace, treaties are an important source for #emdiplomacy as well. The Leibniz Institute of European History has published nearly 2.000 #earlymodern #peacetreaties.
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#emdiplomacy #earlymodern #peacetreaties #history #histodons #historikerInnen
If you are interested in #emdiplomacy during the late 18th/early 19th c. you might like Gentz digital that provides the letters of Friedrich von Gentz who was a close advisor of Metternich and was part of the Austrian delegation at the #congress of #Vienna.
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#emdiplomacy #congress #vienna #history #histodons #historikerInnen
#Westphalia is not the only #peacecongress online. At Mächtekongresse you find documents and especially protocolls of the congresses of Aachen (1818), Troppau (1820), Laibach (1821) und Verona (1822) that took place in the aftermath of the congress of #Vienna.
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#westphalia #peacecongress #vienna #history #histodons #historikerInnen
Die Taschenbuchausgabe ist angekommen!
Morgen abend bringe ich es mit ins Iwalewahaus @ForschungUBT in Bayreuth.
16.6. 19 Uhr
Vortrag "Von Ostpolen nach Ostafrika: Polnische Displaced Persons im kolonialen Afrika, 1942-1950".
Danke für die rechtzeitige Lieferung an den Verlag und die Organisation des Vortrags durch die Deutsch-Polnische Gesellschaft Bayreuth!
#history #histodons #historikerInnen
@nwff Danke fürs Teilen! #Fluchtforschung #Lager #WWII #history #histodons #historikerinnen
#fluchtforschung #lager #wwii #history #histodons #historikerInnen
Just in time for #ECAS2023 my book "On the Edges of #Whiteness. #Polish Refugees in British Colonial Africa during and after #wwii " is out in paperback (just not yet shipped here).
Order it for a 35% discount with code ECAS23 on the publisher's website:
#histodons #history #africanstudies #historikerinnen @africanstudies @histodons
#ECAS2023 #whiteness #polish #wwii #histodons #history #africanstudies #historikerInnen