A new Call for Pitches from Contingent Magazine:
" The magazine is now accepting pitches for a roundtable on what it means to be a parent/caregiver as a historian." Click on the link to learn more! https://contingentmagazine.org/parenting/
#WomenAlsoKnowHistory #HistoryBeyondTheBinary #CallForPitches #Magazine
#womenalsoknowhistory #historybeyondthebinary #callforpitches #magazine
The Committee on Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender History has announced a Call for Papers for its third conference, Queer History Conference 2024, held at California State University, Fullerton, from June 10-13, 2024! #WomenAlsoKnowHistory #HistoryBeyondTheBinary #CallForPapers http://clgbthistory.org/conferences/queer-history-conference-2024
#womenalsoknowhistory #historybeyondthebinary #callforpapers
Historians make use of an immense variety of primary sources in their teaching efforts. What’s a primary source you find yourself making frequent use of? Do students react a certain way to a source? Museum visitors? Friends and family? Let us know in the replies below! How do you teach the source? How do you teach the silences of a source?
#WomenAlsoKnowHistory #HistoryBeyondTheBinary #History #Histodons #Pedagogy #PrimarySources
#womenalsoknowhistory #historybeyondthebinary #history #histodons #pedagogy #primarysources