This children’s book is perfect ! The art and text are amazing. Author Dave Eggers and artist Júlia Sardà spin a quirky historical event into a whimsical and tall-ish true tale of human ingenuity. Highly recommended if your child has a hard time reading nonfiction or history books.
#candlewickpress #picturebook #childrensbook #kidlit #history #historybooks #nonfiction #nonfictionforkids #homeschoolbooks #house #pig #dog #mine #americanhistory
#candlewickpress #picturebook #childrensbook #kidlit #history #historybooks #nonfiction #nonfictionforkids #homeschoolbooks #house #pig #dog #mine #americanhistory
I started a new #book today: "Aelfreds Britain". A #history of King Aelfred and successors efforts to adapt and survive incursions of the #Vikings into #Britain . Having an interest in things Viking, and being of Scottish / English descent, I think I'm going to really enjoy this book.
#book #history #vikings #britain #reading #readabook #historybooks
📘 Anita Buhin published a book — "Yugoslav Socialism „Flavoured with Sea, Flavoured with Salt”" — where she explores the "Mediterranization" in socialist Yugoslavia during the 1950s and 1960s, which was largely shaped by Italian cultural influences and in which Croatia played an extremely important role.
#histodons #HistoryBooks #Yugoslavia #Croatia #CulturalHistory #SocialHistory #Balcans #Socialism
#histodons #historybooks #yugoslavia #croatia #culturalhistory #socialhistory #balcans #socialism
📕 No livro "D. Manuel II. A biografia do último Rei de Portugal" (Manuscrito Editora), João Miguel Almeida procura responder à pergunta "Quem foi, afinal, D. Manuel II?", aclamado rei aos 18 anos após o assassinato do rei D. Carlos e do príncipe herdeiro D. Luís Filipe.
#histodons #Monarchy #KingManuelII #HistoryBooks #DomManuelII #HistóriaDaMonarquia
#histodons #monarchy #kingmanuelii #historybooks #dommanuelii #historiadamonarquia
‘In the winter of 1750, Jean-Jacques Rousseau threw away his watch. “Thank heavens,” he remembered exclaiming after this sublime gesture, “I shall no longer need to know what time its!”’
- Peter Gay, ‘The Enlightenment, the rise of modern paganism’.
#Books #BookClub #HistoryBooks #Philosophy #Bookshelf #bookstodon
#bookstodon #books #philosophy #bookclub #historybooks #bookshelf
📚 Relembramos que, até 13 de Junho, podem encontrar os livros da Imprensa de História Contemporânea no stand da Tigre de Papel na Feira do Livro de Lisboa (pavilhão H13). 📚
#histodons #HistoryBooks #Livros #FeiraDoLivro #FeiraDoLivro2023 #TorreDeLivros #ImprensaIHC
#histodons #historybooks #livros #feiradolivro #feiradolivro2023 #torredelivros #imprensaihc
📕 Ana Cabrera e Helena Lima coordenaram a obra "Imprensa em Portugal: uma história", que reúne um conjunto de textos sobre o jornalismo impresso em Portugal, entre o século XVII e o Século XX.
🔓 Disponível em #AcessoAberto:
#histodons #HistoryBooks #OpenAccess #MediaHistory #Journalism #HistóriaDoJornalismo
#acessoaberto #histodons #historybooks #openaccess #mediahistory #journalism #historiadojornalismo
A terrifying, riveting portrait of the KKK in the 1920s Gift article, feel free to read #historybooks #books #bookreview #bookstodon
#historybooks #books #bookreview #bookstodon
📙 A re-edição do clássico ensaio histórico sobre a Revolução do 25 de Abril, de José Medeiros Ferreira, vai ser apresentada no sábado, em Lisboa.
Esta obra pioneira na historiografia sobre a Revolução dos Cravos, publicada pela primeira vez há 40 anos, conta agora com uma introdução da autoria de Pedro Aires Oliveira e Maria Inácia Rezola.
#histodons #50Anos25Abril #25A50 #CarnationRevolution #25deAbril #MedeirosFerreira #HistoryBooks
#histodons #50anos25abril #25A50 #CarnationRevolution #25deabril #medeirosferreira #historybooks
My Ham radio call is Wa0uWW, but then this is not radio! :) Lately I have been reading nonfiction history books that focuses mainly on the last 200 years. Perhaps someone knows of some good #historybooks for earlier periods that I should dive into?
Great visit & chat with writer & broadcaster James Crawford.
We have signed copies of his new Wild History: Journeys into Lost Scotland, just out from excellent Scottish Indy publisher Birlinn Books.
#Edinburgh #books #Scotland #ChooseBookshops #History #WildHistory #HistoryBooks #author #livres #bookshops #Librairie #Scottish #ScottishLiterature #ScottishHistory #bookstodon
#edinburgh #books #scotland #choosebookshops #history #wildhistory #historybooks #author #livres #bookshops #librairie #scottish #scottishliterature #scottishhistory #bookstodon
📘 O livro "Tribuna Negra", de Cristina Roldão, José Augusto Pereira (IHC) e Pedro Varela, vai ser lançado no B.Leza Clube, em Lisboa, na noite de 4 de Maio.
A apresentação estará a cargo de Carla Fernandes e Apolo de Carvalho, seguida de DJ Set.
#histodons #NewBook #Colonialism #BlackCulture #PanAfrican #HistoryBooks
#histodons #newbook #colonialism #blackculture #panafrican #historybooks
Currently reading a history book “Egypt’s Golden Couple: when Ahkenhaten and Nefertiti Were Gods on Earth” by John Darnell and Colleen Darnell. #FridayReads #books #HistoryBooks #AncientEgypt #CurrentlyReading #bookstodon
#fridayreads #books #historybooks #ancientegypt #currentlyreading #bookstodon
📙 Depois do lançamento na Sertã, o novo livro de Luís Farinha — “Sipote. Uma Aldeia do Pinhal — Memória do Tempo Comunitário” (Edições Colibri) — vai ser apresentado em Lisboa, no Arquivo Nacional da Torre do Tombo, por Raquel Pereira Henriques.
#histodons #RuralHistory #Sipote #Sertã #NewBook #HistoryBooks #MastoBooks #Memory
#histodons #ruralhistory #sipote #serta #newbook #historybooks #mastobooks #memory
#Mothland (the English version of #LaTierraDeLasPolillas) is now available for #Kindle.
(For free with #KindleUnlimited suscription)
#eBook #Books #SpanishCivilWar #HistoryNovel #HistoryBooks @kmleonbooks
#mothland #latierradelaspolillas #kindle #kindleunlimited #ebook #books #spanishcivilwar #historynovel #historybooks
Hi everyone 😀 I've been gone for a while, but I haven't stopped reading! I finished The Lady in the Tower a few weeks ago; I found it incredibly informative and well written. It was also a riveting read - a lot of authors have trouble writing history in a rich, illustrative fashion and the books often come out far too dry. Alison Weir is an excellent novelist and historian, however, and so this book was actually fun to read.
#books #bookstodon #reading #history #historybooks
📙 O mais recente livro de Luís Farinha, dedicado à aldeia de Sipote, vai ser lançado na Casa da Cultura da Sertã no dia 25 de Março.
Terá apresentação de Raquel Pereira Henriques e actuação do Rancho Folclórico e Etnográfico de Cernache do Bomjardim.
#histodons #NewBook #HistoryBooks #Sipote #RuralHistory #LocalHistory #Portugal #Sertã
#histodons #newbook #historybooks #sipote #ruralhistory #localhistory #portugal #serta
Got some new books, both by Alison Weir: The Lady in the Tower & The Wars of the Roses. I love Tudor history and so these will be exciting to read 😄
#books #reading #history #historybooks #nonfiction #thriftbooks #thriftyfinds
#books #reading #history #historybooks #nonfiction #thriftbooks #thriftyfinds
"Along our days Track the country presented a very sterile appearance, hardly a Tree to be seen & only a parch'd like grass forming a thin covering over its surface, with a confused heap of Detached Rocks strewed over it. But the singular apeparance in these ridges of Hills intersecting the Country, curiously arranged in Tabular Masses, one above the other, each base forming a horizontal line distinctly defined... #WAHistory #HistoryBooks #Nonfiction #History
#wahistory #historybooks #nonfiction #history
#FridayReads #books #HistoryBooks #mythology #bookstodon. I am currently reading two books. The history is “An Alternative History of Britain The Tudors” by Timothy Venning. The second is a short story and poetry anthology about Baba Yaga, “Into the Forest: Tales of the Baba Yaga” edited by Lindy Ryan. The first is a bit dry and the second a bit creepy, so I am bouncing between them.
#fridayreads #books #historybooks #mythology #bookstodon