A rèir choltais, 's e #BlackCatAppreciationDay (anns na SA co-dhiù), mar sin seo cat dubh na h-abaide rìoghail Épau anns an Le Mans san Fhraing a-rithist. #HistoryCats #MastoCait #CatsOfMastodon #NotMyCat #TongueOutThursday
#TongueOutThursday #notmycat #catsofmastodon #mastocait #historycats #blackcatappreciationday
'S e #DiCatairne a th' ann. Seo Jean Sans Terre (Iain Gun Tìr), cat na h-abaide rìoghail Épau anns an Le Mans san Fhraing. Bha e glè laghach agus nigh e mo làmh airson adhbhar air choreigin. Chan eil e airidh air a bhith ainmichte air rìgh Sasannach uabhasach.
Pour ce #Chamedi, je vous présente Jean Sans-Terre, le chat de l'abbaye royale de l'Épau au Mans. Il était très gentil et m'a lavé la main, et ne mérite pas d' avoir le nom d'un roi anglais terrible.
#Caturday #HistoryCats #MastoCait
#mastocait #historycats #caturday #chamedi #dicatairne
'S e #DiCatairne a th' ann an-diubh! Seo an cat ceudna a bha aig a' Phriòireachd Eilean Ì, air an rathad a-nis. Tha mi a' smaoineachadh nach robh i glè thoilichte a bhith san dealbh agam.
It's #Caturday for real today. Here's the same cat from Iona Priory in yesterday's post, now on the road and possibly not that happy to be posing for pics.
#DéCathairn #Chatmedi #HistoryCats #CatsOfMastodon
#catsofmastodon #historycats #chatmedi #decathairn #caturday #dicatairne
#RuinedPrioryFriday #FriarDay with bonus #Caturday (which it must be in NZ by now) - Priòireachd Eilean Ì / Iona Priory (Iuch. 2015) #HistoryCats #DiCathairne #Chatmedi
#chatmedi #dicathairne #historycats #caturday #friarday #ruinedprioryfriday
Another one of the St David's Bishop's Palace kitty for #Caturday.
#HistoryCats #CatsOfMastodon #cats
#cats #catsofmastodon #historycats #caturday
@scotdowser do we count palaces as castles?
If so, I can offer this mysterious kitty in St David's Bishop's Palace, Cymru/Wales, July 2022. #CatsOfMastodon #HistoryCats #CastleCaturday #cats
#cats #castlecaturday #historycats #catsofmastodon