Já se encontra disponível no nosso website o livro de resumos do encontro "De Famalicão para o Mundo", este ano com o tema "A Educação Histórica e as Heranças Transgeracionais".
O encontro está acreditado como formação de professores e tem inscrição gratuita, mas obrigatória.
ℹ️ https://ihc.fcsh.unl.pt/events/educacao-historica-herancas-transgeracionais/
#histodons #HistoryEducation #Holocaust #HumanRights #TeacherTraining #FormaçãoDeProfessores #EducaçãoHistórica #HistoryInThePublicSphere #HistóriaNaEsferaPública
#histodons #historyeducation #holocaust #humanrights #teachertraining #formacaodeprofessores #educacaohistorica #historyinthepublicsphere #historianaesferapublica
Come join us this weekend, August 5th & 6th from 10am- 5pm at the Powderhorn Park! We'll be on the south side of the lake, in booth #35! We can't wait to enjoy the nice weather with ya'll.
#posterartist #affordableart #politicalart #educational #artsaleonline #shoplocalmpls #artsale #historyeducation #minneapolisgiftshop #buttons #pinbuttons #gifts #notecardsforsale #bulkpricing #unionyes #unionshop #unionshopper
#unionshopper #unionshop #unionyes #bulkpricing #notecardsforsale #gifts #pinbuttons #buttons #minneapolisgiftshop #historyeducation #artsale #shoplocalmpls #artsaleonline #educational #politicalart #affordableart #posterartist
Em Setembro, vamos regressar a Vila Nova de Famalicão para a 4ª edição do encontro "De Famalicão para o Mundo", este ano com o tema "A Educação Histórica e as Heranças Transgeracionais".
O encontro está acreditado como formação de professores e tem inscrição gratuita, mas obrigatória.
ℹ️ https://ihc.fcsh.unl.pt/events/educacao-historica-herancas-transgeracionais/
#histodons #HistoryEducation #Memory #HistoryAndArts #Training #EducaçãoHistórica #Memória #HistóriaEArtes
#histodons #historyeducation #memory #historyandarts #training #educacaohistorica #memoria #historiaeartes
Found this today, under the hay in my barn: Question Book on the International Topics, 1883. It is inscribed: “Chester W. Sweet, Norton, Mass., Dec. 31, 1882.” Adding this to a growing collection I use for a classroom forensic exercise, called “Guess What’s In Dan’s Barn?” I distribute items that I have found, and students have to identify, date, and explain their potential use, based only on physical examination. #HistoryEducation #HistoricalAnalysis #1883 #ReligiousInstruction #BarnFinds
#historyeducation #historicalanalysis #religiousinstruction #barnfinds
Students’ understanding of history and civics is worsening
#WashingtonPost #CivicsEducation #HistoryEducation #NAEP #Democracy #EducationCrisis #YouthCivicEngagement #SocialStudies
#washingtonpost #civicseducation #historyeducation #naep #democracy #educationcrisis #youthcivicengagement #socialstudies
#introduction. Associate professor of #history and #peaceandconflict studies at SLAC in NY, USA. Also interested in #museums #publichistory #historyeducation #humanrights. Currently the convenor of the Historical Dialogues, Justice, and Memory Network, still tweeting (for now) @HistDialogue. Profile and select pubs: colgate.academia.edu/Alexander.... Happy to find a not-for-profit platform for non-algorithmic convo and networking. @histodons #histodons
#histodons #humanrights #historyeducation #PublicHistory #museums #peaceandconflict #history #introduction
Total Chads right here, look how confident they look fighting fascists and protecting immigrants.
This is how you counter extremists, pacifism isn't working anymore so we must start fighting fire with fire.
#historyeducation #antifascistmemes #antimaga
#antimaga #antifascistmemes #historyeducation