Applications are now open for a Postdoctoral Research Fellowship in the field of the #HistoryOfScience within the project #TRANSMAT – Transnational Materialities.
The fellowship will last for six months, with the possibility of renewal until the end of the project.
Deadline: 30 June 2023.
#histodons #SciHist #HistoryJobs #MuseumCollections #Materialities #HistoryFellowships
#historyofscience #TRANSMAT #histodons #scihist #historyjobs #museumcollections #materialities #historyfellowships
Estão abertos dois concursos para bolsas de investigação integradas no projecto “Arquivar o Teatro”, do qual o IHC é instituição participante.
O prazo termina a 22 de Março.
#historyfellowships #archives #theatre #arts