A serious candidate for the most unfortunate astronomer of all times. Guillaume Joseph Hyacinthe Jean-Baptiste Le Gentil de la Galaisière born September 12, 1725 #histsci #hisSTM #HistoryOfAstronomy
#histsci #hisstm #historyofastronomy
solar eclipses 1330 - 1386 🌞 🌚 🌍
Neil deGrasse Tyson is propagating a "people thought he Moon was a giant night-glow frisbee" myth #HistoryOfAstronomy #MythsOfScience
#historyofastronomy #mythsofscience
#HierSoAufDemSchirm Falls das der Große Wagen sein soll, dann ist er spiegelverkehrt. 🔭 :blobcatdizzy:
oben: https://mprove.de/chrono?q=0.67941,-0.13248&z=9.23&r=10&m=IF0427-153&d=1&s=1&iiif-content=https://www.e-codices.unifr.ch/metadata/iiif/vad-0427/manifest.json
unten: https://mprove.de/chrono?q=45.02392,-0.12216&z=4.77&r=-34&m=HK1303&d=1&s=1
#hiersoaufdemschirm #historyofastronomy #ecodices
@hab_wf user generated shownotes :blobcat_keyboard:
"…I as an art historian have a tendency to flip thought a book…"
Peter Apian #ChronoLink https://mprove.de/chrono?q=0.19376,-0.01667&z=8.4&m=IF939135175-9&d=1&s=1&iiif-content=https://haab-digital.klassik-stiftung.de/viewer/api/v1/records/939135175/manifest/&c=a
today: https://mprove.de/chrono?q=0.31391,-0.15325&z=10.74&r=158&t=45&m=IF939135175-58&d=1&s=1&iiif-content=https://haab-digital.klassik-stiftung.de/viewer/api/v1/records/939135175/manifest/
#ChronoLink #historyofastronomy
The navigational, cartographic, astronomical, and other writings of the gentlemanly humanist scholar Thomas Blundeville (c. 1522–c. 1606) #HistoryOfNavigation #HistoryOfCartography #HistoryOfAstronomy #HistoryOfMathematics
#historyofnavigation #historyofcartography #historyofastronomy #historyofmathematics
Girolamo Fracastoro, who gave Syphilis its name, died 6 August 1553, (date of birth unknown!) #HistoryOfMedicine #HistoryOfAstronomy #HistoryOfScience
#historyofmedicine #historyofastronomy #historyofscience
Italian, Renaissance physician and astronomer, Girolamo Fracastoro, who gave Syphilis its name, died 6 August 1553, (date of birth unknown!) #HistoryOfMedicine #HistoryOfAstronomy #HistoryOfScience
#historyofmedicine #historyofastronomy #historyofscience
Astronomers use the Julian Day Count as a unified dating system for astronomical events, it has its roots in the work of the Renaissance polymath Joseph Justus Scaliger born 5 August 1540 #HistoryOfAstronomy #HistoryOfScience
#historyofastronomy #historyofscience
Astronomers use the Julian Day Count as a unified dating system for astronomical events, it has its roots in the work of the Renaissance polymath Joseph Justus Scaliger born 5 August 1540 #HistoryOfAstronomy #HistoryOfScience
#historyofastronomy #historyofscience
Jesuit astronomer-mathematician, Christoph Scheiner, was born 25 July in either 1573 or 1575 #HistoryOfAstronomy #HistoryOfTheTelescope #histSTM
#historyofastronomy #historyofthetelescope #histstm
In my retroastronomy days I had a job doing guided tours and other astronomy outreach activities at the Brera observatory in Milan, Italy.
The highlight of the tour was the 21.8 cm Merz refractor astronomer Giovanni Virginio Schiaparelli used for his pioneering observations of the canals of Mars in the late 19th century.
Here's yours truly showing the telescope to a group of visitors in October of 2011.
#astronomy #telescope #historyofastronomy
19th-century French astronomer, Joseph Jérôme Lefrançois de Lalande, who was particularly supportive of the ladies in astronomy, was born 11 July 1832
#HistoryOfAstronomy #WomenInScience
#historyofastronomy #womeninscience
19th-century French astronomer, Joseph Jérôme Lefrançois de Lalande, who was particularly supportive of the ladies in astronomy, was born 11 July 1832 #HistoryOfAstronomy #WomenInScience
#historyofastronomy #womeninscience
Jesuit astronomer, Christoph Grienberger inventor of the heliotropic telescope was born 2 July 1561 #HistoryOfAstronomy #historyoftelescopes
#historyofastronomy #historyoftelescopes
The first European printed report on Sunspots, Johann Fabricius' De Maculis in Sole observatis, et apparente earum cum Sole conversione, Narratio, etc. Witebergae, Anno M.DC.XI., was published 13 June 1611 #histSTM #HistoryOfAstronomy
The first European printed report on Sunspots, Johann Fabricius' De Maculis in Sole observatis, et apparente earum cum Sole conversione, Narratio, etc. Witebergae, Anno M.DC.XI., was published 13 June 1611 #histSTM #HistoryOfAstronomy
Just in case anyone was thinking of partying it up during the next eclipse, you better follow the rules instead.
"people are to remove their headgear and cover their heads with their garments, then wail and cry aloud, begging the gods to save them, their cities, and their shrines"
(The Morgan Library & Museum photo by me)
#historyofastronomy #Astrodon #histodons
17th century pioneering telescopic astronomer Giovanni Domenico Cassini was born 8 June 1625 #HistoryOfAstronomy