Sunday Beady Eye Candy : Emerald Beads
from a selection pinned with provenance to our Sweepings board on Pinterest
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Sunday Beady Eye Candy : Emerald Beads
from a selection pinned with provenance to our Sweepings board on Pinterest
#BeadSocietyGB #Beads #HistoryofBeads #SundayBeadyEyeCandy #EmeraldBeads #MayBirthstone
#beadsocietygb #beads #historyofbeads #sundaybeadyeyecandy #emeraldbeads #maybirthstone
Gold, enamel and moulded glass Beetle necklace, created by French jeweller René Lalique, circa 1905, signed René Lalique. Made in the Egyptian style, the two larger green glass beetles are backed with silver foil and mounted on yellow gold. Secured by thorn-like claws coated with opaque black enamel, suspended by eight rows of translucent glass beads.
Source : Wartski of London via The Jewellery Editor
#beadsocietygb #beads #historyofbeads #lalique
Roman gold & banded agate bead necklace, circa 2nd-3rd Century CE. Composed of barrel-shaped, cylindrical & tabular banded agate beads, interspersed with gold spherical beads, centered by an oval pendant in the form of a gold box set with a convex eye agate, the box has a flanged rim with three suspension loops below for now missing elements. The necklace is 43.2 cm long & has been restrung with a modern S-hook closure.
#beadsocietygb #beads #historyofbeads #roman
Ancient Greek cylinder seal necklace, dated circa 300 BCE. The engraved carnelian bead depicts a female figure with a bird, the caps are of gold with filigree and granulation. The necklace is completed with a gold loop-in-loop chain. Including pendants, the necklace is 57cm long with the cylinder seal measuring 4.5cm wide and 1.5cm deep.
Source : The Victoria and Albert Museum, Accession Number 122-1864
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Mumuhuila hairstyle, Angola.
The dreadlocks are called "Nontombi" and are decorated with braids of beads. The big yellow bead necklace she wears means she's ready to be married, it is called Vikeka.
Photo by Eric Lafforgue
#beadsocietygb #beads #historyofbeads
Cylindrical rod pendant of gold and lapis beads with a hanging loop at one end, Egyptian Middle Kingdom 2061–1783 BCE. Excavated in 1924 from Kumma : tomb H 213, Nubia, Sudan by the Harvard University-Boston Museum of Fine Arts Expedition; assigned to the MFA in the division of finds by the government of Sudan. Accession Date: March 25, 1924.
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Sunday Beady Eye Candy : Beaded Spirit Dolls
from a selection pinned with provenance to our Sweepings board on Pinterest
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#historyofbeads #sundaybeadyeyecandy #beadedspiritdolls #beadsocietygb #beads
Bactrian gold and stone bead necklace, circa Late 3rd-Early 2nd Millennium BCE
#beadsocietygb #beads #historyofbeads #ancientbeads
Mountain Flower Earrings, designed by Deb Roberti at Around The Beading Table, available as a free pattern download
#beadsocietygb #beads #historyofbeads #freebiefriday
Necklace with gold beads in the shape of jaguar teeth, Mixtec (Ñudzavui), 13th–16th Century
Discover more about this necklace ...
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It's the Chelmsford Rock Gem n Bead Show :
Charlotte Marquee, Gate 11, Chelmsford City Racecourse, Moulsham Hall Lane, Chelmsford, Essex, CM3 1PZ, on Saturday the 29th and Sunday the 30th of April 2023.
Bead Society of Great Britain members will be trading and visiting.
#BeadSocietyGB #Beads #HistoryofBeads #BeadShow #BeadFair
#beadsocietygb #beads #historyofbeads #beadshow #beadfair
A woman's necklace from Ladakh incorporating two parallel strands of coral beads & silver spacers. The fringe of silver drops on the lower edge recalls Indian necklace fashions & suggests influence from there transmitted via much-used trade routes to the south.
Source : Victoria & Albert Museum, Accession Number IS.1858-1883, not on display.
Ref : John Clarke: Jewellery of Tibet and Himalayas, V&A Publications
#BeadSocietyGB #Beads #HistoryofBeads #Coral #Silver
#beadsocietygb #beads #historyofbeads #coral #silver
Multi-strand necklace of step-cut rubellite beads with a filigree clasp decorated with brilliant-cut diamonds mounted in platinum. The necklace is 630mm long and is signed Tiffany & Co. Sold at auction by Sothebys Hong Kong, April 2023
#BeadSocietyGB #Beads #HistoryofBeads #GemstoneBeads
#beadsocietygb #beads #historyofbeads #gemstonebeads
Sunday Beady Eye Candy : Beaded Icons from Ukraine
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The J.F. Sick & Co. Bead Colour Catalog, 1921.
Bead Sample Card No. 36 showing the variety of shapes and sizes of molded glass beads made in Bohemia (Czech Republic).
Bead Exhibit by
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#beadsocietygb #jfsickandco #beadsamplecard #moldedglassbrads #antiquebeads #bohemianbeads #historyofbeads
Frankish glass bead dated circa 500-600 CE.
The bead measures 4cm × 1.9cm and was acquired by the Metropolitan Museum in 1917, Accession Number 17.191.106
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Gold Melon Beads from Colchis, circa 330 BCE
source : Pinterest & Tumblr
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Traditional Ukrainian beadwork necklaces by Irina Haluschak
#BeadSocietyGB #Beads #HistoryofBeads #TraditionalBeadwork #Ukraine
#beadsocietygb #beads #historyofbeads #traditionalbeadwork #ukraine
Sunday Beady Eye Candy : Bead Earrings From Ancient Greece
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