Family Records of the African American Pioneers of Tampa and Hillsborough County by Canter Brown, Jr.; Barbara Gray Brown
#hillsboroughcounty, #Tampa, #TampaBay, #genealogy, #familyhistory, #florida, #historyofflorida, #colonialism, #unitedstatesofamerika, #Afroamerikangenealogy, #Africanamerikanhistory, #Africandiaspora, #Afrikandiaspora, #colonization
"This pathfinding book recounts the stories of one hundred and seven pioneer African American families. While genealogical research always challenges historians, this work presented special problems which the authors have surmounted to reveal a past often thought to be beyond the historical record."
#hillsboroughcounty #tampa #tampabay #genealogy #familyhistory #florida #historyofflorida #colonialism #unitedstatesofamerika #Afroamerikangenealogy #Africanamerikanhistory #AfricanDiaspora #Afrikandiaspora #colonization