History of Haiku
(Part 2)
“That’s not a haiku, a haiku has 17 syllables!”
I said in my first post on the #HistoryOfHaiku that the way that many English language haiku writers have of writing haiku – in 17 syllables arranged over three lines in a 5-7-5 pattern – is based on something of a misunderstanding of Japanese haiku.
Japanese haiku are usually, but not always, 17 “onji” long (an “onji” is a sound symbol in Japanese language).
The problem is that “onji” are shorter than English syllables, so in writing a haiku in 17 English syllables, we are writing poems that are quite a bit longer than a Japanese haiku (I’ve heard it said 12 English syllables may be closer in length to 17 Japanese “onji”).
If you’d like to read more about this aspect of haiku, it is discussed in The #HaikuHandbook by #WilliamJHigginson & #PennyHarter, and by #MichaelDylanWelsh on the #NaHaiWriMo website, here: https://www.nahaiwrimo.com/why-no-5-7-5.
Japanese haiku writers don’t all stick to the 17 “onji” length anyway.
The #NewTrendHaikuMovement in Japanese haiku in the early 20th century moved away from strictly adhering to a 17 onji pattern. These poets include #Hekigotō, #Seiensui, and a personal favourite, #Santōka.
And centuries before that Matsuo #Bashō himself (one of the earliest and most famous writers of what we now recognise as haiku) sometimes wrote haiku with extra onji.
#Haiku #FreeHaiku #Poetry
#historyofhaiku #haikuhandbook #williamjhigginson #pennyharter #michaeldylanwelsh #NaHaiWriMo #newtrendhaikumovement #hekigoto #seiensui #santoka #basho #haiku #freehaiku #poetry
History of Haiku
(Post 1)
Ask anyone to tell you one think they know about haiku and they’ll probably tell you:
“It’s a poem written in 3 lines and 17 syllables
5 syllables in the first line, 7 in the second line, and 5 in the third line” (“575Haiku”)
But unfortunately this:
1/ Hasn’t actually been true for most of the time people have been writing English language haiku
2/ Isn’t true for most people who write haiku in English today, and publish them in Journals dedicated to haiku, such as Frogpond, Modern Haiku (and many others)
3/ Is based on an almost complete misunderstanding of what Japanese haiku poems are like
So, how did #575Haiku become so fixed in minds of so many people?
Probably because most people first learn about haiku from a teacher at school, and many teachers think of haiku as just “a great way to teach kids about counting syllables”, and (maybe?) not much more
Over the next few days I’ll write some more posts that expand on these ideas a little further
And hopefully show that while haiku can be the simple fun poems we often see posted under the #575prompts tag
Haiku can also be
#Haiku #FreeHaiku #Poetry #17Syllables #HistoryOfHaiku @freehaiku
#575haiku #575prompts #haiku #freehaiku #poetry #17syllables #historyofhaiku