I wrote a theory that is a revisioning of the courts in two pages in two hours:
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@law #Law #LawFedi #Lawyer #Judge #Court #Courts #HistoryOfLaw #Legal #LegalHistory #Theory #LegalTheory #Humanities #Academia #AcademicChatter #Labor #LaborRights #HumanRights #CivilRights #CreativeCommons #EqualPay #IncomeInequality #Inequality #FairPay #IncomeParity #Database #History #Histodons
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If you teach any of the above, order your inspection copy today. If not, use SANDBERG23 to get a 20% discount.
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The full Table of Contents for ‘A Historical Introduction to English Law: Genesis of the Common Law’ (Cambridge University Press, 2023) is now available: https://assets.cambridge.org/97811070/90583/toc/9781107090583_toc.pdf
Preorder today and get 20% off with code SANDBERG23: https://www.cambridge.org/gb/academic/subjects/law/legal-history/historical-introduction-english-law-genesis-common-law?format=PB
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#preordernow #preorder #newbook #commonlaw #legalhistory #historyoflaw #lawandhistory #history #legaleducation #legal #introductiontolaw #university #law
New flyer for ‘A Historical Introduction to English Law: Genesis of the Common Law’, coming soon from Cambridge University Press.
Preorder now and get 20% off with the code SANDBERG23
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‘There are some stories that need to be told anew to every generation’.
Here’s the front and back cover of ‘A Historical Introduction to English Law’ coming soon from Cambridge University Press: https://www.instagram.com/p/CqKl7dirLI9/?igshid=ZjE2NGZiNDQ=
Get 20% off if you preorder now from them and use the code SANDBERG23
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#historyoflaw #legalhistory #lawschool #lawstudents #lawstudent #law #preorder #newbook
The final proofs for ‘A Historical Introduction to English Law: Genesis of the Common Law’ have arrived.
This new textbook provides a historical introduction to law for students studying it for the first time: https://www.cambridge.org/gb/academic/subjects/law/legal-history/historical-introduction-english-law-genesis-common-law?format=PB
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Delighted to receive my paperback copies of ‘Subversive Legal History: A Manifesto for the Future of Legal Education’ from Routledge. The official release date is Monday 9th January and copies can be preordered from https://www.routledge.com/Subversive-Legal-History-A-Manifesto-for-the-Future-of-Legal-Education/Sandberg/p/book/9780367191290#
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#historyoflaw #lawandhistory #subversivelegalhistory #history #education #legal #legalhistory #legaleducation #law
Gelukkig nieuwjaar, tooters!
Olympe de Gouges trekt ten strijde. In 1791 schreef zij de Déclaration des droits de la femme et de la citoyenne in antwoord op de Déclaration des droit de l'homme et du citoyen. (naar ‘Napoleon trekt de Alpen over’ van J.-L. David) | boekomslag
* Olympe de Gouges wrote the Declaration of the Rights of Woman and of the Female Citizen in 1791 | bookcover
#OlympedeGouges #Déclarationdesdroitsdelafemmeetdelacitoyenne #mastodonart #artbooster #tekening #historyoflaw
#historyoflaw #tekening #artbooster #mastodonart #declarationdesdroitsdelafemmeetdelacitoyenne #olympedegouges
Eens kijken of het lukt meer plaatjes in één toot te verwerken. Je kunt de plaatjes zelfs van bijschriften voorzien (zoals ook in Facebook). Er zitten ook eigenschappen van Instagram in.
Houtskool tekening en voorstudie van de vrijheidsboom van Bayeux die er geplant was in 1797 in het kader van de Franse revolutie. Voor een boekje voor de UvA over de Déclaration des droits de l’homme et du citoyen.
#mastodonart #artbooster #urbantrees #plataan #boom #arbredelaliberté #tekening #historyoflaw
#historyoflaw #tekening #arbredelaliberte #boom #plataan #urbantrees #artbooster #mastodonart
In 2023, meet the Man of Law and discover the formative events in the development of the common law in this new introductory textbook that provides a prequel to what is studied on law degrees and the SQE.
Preorder from Cambridge University Press: https://www.cambridge.org/highereducation/books/a-historical-introduction-to-english-law/B058B16EDA67ED66745DB7EDFF5B96C2#overview
#law #university #lawstudents #lawstudent #lawschool #legalhistory #historyoflaw #lawandhistory #history #commonlaw
#commonlaw #history #lawandhistory #historyoflaw #legalhistory #lawschool #lawstudent #lawstudents #university #law
‘Everything law students think they know is a lie’.
Find out why legal history should be at the beating heart of what Law Schools do.
You can now preorder the paperback edition of ‘Subversive Legal History: A Manifesto for the Future of Legal Education’: https://www.routledge.com/Subversive-Legal-History-A-Manifesto-for-the-Future-of-Legal-Education/Sandberg/p/book/9780367191290#
#law #education #legaleducation #lawschool #lawschools #lawstudents #lawstudent #legalhistory #historyoflaw #lawandhistory #history #subversivelegalhistory
#subversivelegalhistory #history #lawandhistory #historyoflaw #legalhistory #lawstudent #lawstudents #lawschools #lawschool #legaleducation #education #law
Everything law students think they know is a lie’.
Find out why legal history should be at the beating heart of what Law Schools do.
You can now preorder the paperback edition of ‘Subversive Legal History: A Manifesto for the Future of Legal Education’: https://www.routledge.com/Subversive-Legal-History-A-Manifesto-for-the-Future-of-Legal-Education/Sandberg/p/book/9780367191290#
#law #education #legaleducation #lawschool #lawschools #lawstudents #lawstudent #legalhistory #historyoflaw #lawandhistory #history #subversivelegalhistory
#subversivelegalhistory #history #lawandhistory #historyoflaw #legalhistory #lawstudent #lawstudents #lawschools #lawschool #legaleducation #education #law
Hello! I'm a postdoctoral researcher focusing on the history of early #medieval #law and #lawbooks, both in terms of #codicology and #palaeography of the #manuscripts as well as #LegalHistory / #HistoryofLaw. I’m currently preparing a new project proposal focused on #poisoning in the #LegesBarbarorum.
I'm also an occasional #ttrpg player (usually as the GM), and am combining my interests by slowly producing a roleplay game based on the early medieval #Lombard laws, called #LangobardRPG.
#medieval #law #lawbooks #codicology #palaeography #manuscripts #legalhistory #historyoflaw #poisoning #legesbarbarorum #ttrpg #lombard #langobardrpg