London Bridge: an anonymous 'country dance' from The Dancing Master, 1710.
Alison Kinder: bass #viol
Robin Jeffrey: #baroque #guitar
Image: Claude de Jongh - View of London Bridge, 1632
#london #londonbridge #londonhistory #historyoflondon #recordingartist #recordingsession #video #youtube #baroque #earlymusic #guitar #violadagamba #viol #musicians #englishmusic #countrydance #eighteenthcentury #oldlondonbridge
#viol #baroque #guitar #london #LondonBridge #londonHistory #historyoflondon #recordingartist #recordingsession #Video #youtube #earlymusic #violadagamba #musicians #englishmusic #countrydance #EighteenthCentury #oldlondonbridge #18thcentury #histodon #histodons
My #newbook is here at last!
Here Comes My Lord Mayor - #17thCentury songs for the Lord Mayor's Show.
A selection of #ballads and #songs illustrating the sights and sounds of in Lord Mayor’s Triumph in #earlymodern #London. They describe a range of events including a magnificent #procession, #music and #pageants on the #Thames and in the City, a great #feast, crowds of people, and lots of #fireworks…
#newbook #17thcentury #ballads #songs #earlymodern #london #procession #music #pageants #thames #feast #fireworks #lordmayorsshow #lordmayoroflondon #history #londonHistory #lordmayor #seventeenthcentury #earlymusic #sheetmusic #publishing #book #histodon #historyoflondon
My new book has a cover and will be out soon :)
Here Comes My Lord Mayor
17th Century songs for the Lord Mayor's Show
#17thCentury #17thCenturyHistory #17thCenturyMusic #LordMayor #LordMayorsShow #earlymusic @earlymusic #earlymodern @earlymodern #histodon @histodon #histodons @histodons #LordMayorofLondon #London #LondonHistory #HistoryofLondon #history #historythroughmusic #publishing #sheetmusic #research #historian #newbook
#17thcentury #17thcenturyhistory #17thCenturyMusic #lordmayor #lordmayorsshow #earlymusic #earlymodern #histodon #histodons #lordmayoroflondon #london #londonHistory #historyoflondon #history #historythroughmusic #publishing #sheetmusic #Research #historian #newbook
thehistoryoflondon The Granada at Tooting opened in 1931 and is one of only three cinemas that are Grade I listed. Many famous artists have performed concerts, including Frank Sinatra, the Beatles, and the Rolling Stones. The Bee Gees were the last big names to play there in 1968. It is now a bingo hall. #londonhistory #historyoflondon #londonbylondoners #tooting #granadacinemas #buzzbingo #beegees #linkinbio
#londonHistory #historyoflondon #londonbylondoners #tooting #granadacinemas #buzzbingo #beegees #linkinbio
What went wrong with the #TubeMap ?
#JayForeman #HarryBeck #Tube #Map #LondonTubeMap #LondonTube #LondonUnderground #UndergroundMap #LondonUndergroundMap #London #History #LondonHistory #HistoryOfLondon #LondonTransport
#londontransport #historyoflondon #londonHistory #history #london #londonundergroundmap #undergroundmap #londonunderground #londontube #londontubemap #map #tube #harrybeck #jayforeman #tubemap