Monetary non-neutrality and stabilisation policies 50 years after Lucas’s “expectations” paper: a roundtable discussion
With O. Blanchard, D. Laidler, A. Orphanides, and yours
organized and moderated by Pierrick Clerc and Hans-Michael Trautwein
#histecon #historyofecon #historyofmacro
2/3 Of course, Prescott sent an answer to Friedman's report:
"Studies documenting deviations from existing theory play an important
role in science as do replications of the studies using a different data set. Do
you reject such studies as being nonsubstantive?"
#historyofecon #histecon #macroeconomics #econtwitter #historyofmacro #Prescott
#historyofecon #histecon #macroeconomics #econtwitter #historyofmacro #Prescott
1/3 The Hodrick-Prescott filter paper was completed around 1978 and rejected several times:
-by AER referees
-then at the JMCB by no less than Milton Friedman, who thought it was "measurement without theory" (which he had supported against the Cowles in the 1950s, ironically)
Hodrick remembers:
#historyofecon #histecon #macroeconomics #econtwitter #historyofmacro #Prescott
#historyofecon #histecon #macroeconomics #econtwitter #historyofmacro #Prescott
3/3 Who said when , Ed #Prescott edition :
"It is exactly the point of these "equilibrium theories" that they be criticizable in this way, that their key parameters be interpretable in price-theoretic terms and thus comparable to estimates from data other than aggregative time series...are we to conclude it is bad work because a parameter if off by a factor of 10?"
(note: Gary is probably Gary Becker)
#historyofecon #histecon #macroeconomics #econtwitter #historyofmacro
#Prescott #historyofecon #histecon #macroeconomics #econtwitter #historyofmacro
2/3 Who said when on Ed #Prescott
#historyofecon #histecon #macroeconomics #econtwitter #historyofmacro
#As a teacher and supervisor of doctoral students, Ed is outstanding...Sims is willing to concede the [economic territory] to theorists; Prescott is not"
(also note the Cass dunk)
#Prescott #historyofecon #histecon #macroeconomics #econtwitter #historyofmacro #As