Out now in English: Jürgen Habermas's "Also a History of Philosophy", volume 1:
Part I. On the Question of a Genealogy of Postmetaphysical Thinking
Part II. The Sacred Roots of the Axial Age Traditions
Part III. A Provisional Comparison of the Axial Age World Views
First Intermediate Reflection: The Conceptual Trajectories of the Axial Age
My bibliography on Jürgen Habermas's book: https://www.habermasforum.dk/reviews/reviews-of-jurgen-habermas-quotauch-eine-geschichte-der-philosophiequot-?sort=p.sort_order&order=ASC&limit=2
#habermas #philosophy #historyofphilosophy
For #InternationalWomensDay, the entire collection of the Cambridge Elements series on women in the history of philosophy is available to download for free: https://www.cambridge.org/core/publications/elements/cambridge-elements-series/women-in-the-history-of-philosophy
#philosophy #HistoryOfPhilosophy #feminism #herstory @philosophy
#internationalwomensday #philosophy #historyofphilosophy #feminism #herstory
Peter Adamson's "History of Philosophy Without Any Gaps" is now well into its third decade, 400th episode (in the mainstream podcast), and the 16th century (Jean Bodin). I rank it after West's effort only because I feel West can use the advocacy more. Both podcasts are excellent, Adamson is well supported through a tenured faculty position and institutional funding. Older philosophy provides insights into the development, and history of ideas, including (many, many, many, many) false starts and wild-goose chases, but also often startlingly modern thinking in ancient times. Having caught up with the full back-catalogue, I've returned to the beginning for a second listen.
#HistoryOfPhilosophy #PeterAdamson #Podcasts #Recommendations
#historyofphilosophy #PeterAdamson #podcasts #recommendations
Dred's 2022 Podcast Recommendations
My top three, well, four, though the fourth is a few hundred podcasts of the year.
Deets follow separately.
#PhilosophizeThis #StephenWest #HistoryOfPhilosophy #PeterAdamson #ComplexityPodcast #SantaFeInstitute #NewBookNetwork #MarhsallPoe #Podcasts #Recommendations #Tootstorm
#philosophizethis #stephenwest #historyofphilosophy #PeterAdamson #complexitypodcast #SantaFeInstitute #newbooknetwork #marhsallpoe #podcasts #recommendations #tootstorm
to be honest, i'm not really sure what i'm into anymore.
i like #gardens and #gardenhistory.
i'm into #classicalmusic but i'm quite picky.
i like trawling #newage and #kankyoongaku (#環境音楽) releases online (although most are bad to average).
#shakuhachi (#尺八).
VERY secular #buddhism (#theravada #mahayana #zen).
#historyofreligion #historyofphilosophy #arthistory ...
#nonfiction recommendations
... anything that enables me to cool my increasingly staunch antinatalist tendencies for a few minutes essentially ...
#wetlands #mangroves ... 🤷
#gardens #GardenHistory #classicalmusic #newage #kankyoongaku #環境音楽 #Shakuhachi #尺八 #buddhism #Theravada #mahayana #zen #historyofreligion #historyofphilosophy #arthistory #nonfiction #wetlands #mangroves
#Historyofphilosophy is one of my interests, too.
As well, I am in a training in #systemiccounseling and #systemictherapy which is great.
Playing guitar the nicest thing for me. #makemusic Gear is a passion of mine…
Great to be here! Please get in touch if you’re interested in!
#historyofphilosophy #systemiccounseling #systemictherapy #makemusic
#jobopportunity #HistoryofPhilosophy #Gronigen #thenetherlands
The History of Philosophy Department at the Faculty of Philosophy, University of Groningen has a vacancy for an Assistant Professor in History of Philosophy (18th-21st century, from Kant onwards).
The deadline for applications is Sunday, 22 January 11:59pm (CET).
For further information about this position, and to apply, please visit the following page: https://www.rug.nl/about-ug/work-with-us/job-opportunities/?details=00347-02S0009RWP
#jobopportunity #historyofphilosophy #gronigen #thenetherlands
#jobopportunity #HistoryofPhilosophy #Gronigen #thenetherlands
The History of Philosophy Department at the Faculty of Philosophy, University of Groningen has a vacancy for an Assistant Professor in History of Philosophy (18th-21st century, from Kant onwards).
The deadline for applications is Sunday, 22 January 11:59pm (CET).
For further information about this position, and to apply, please visit the following page: https://www.rug.nl/about-ug/work-with-us/job-opportunities/?details=00347-02S0009RWP
#jobopportunity #historyofphilosophy #gronigen #thenetherlands
I'm interested in far too many things for my own good but here are some of my primary interests you'll find on my profile:
#stirner #anarchy #history #philosophy #historyofphilosophy #germanphilosophy #deutsch #poetry #literature #art
Hello #Philosophy tooters.
What's the earlierst source of "brain in a vat" thought experiments?
That is, where were brains in vats first used to motivate skepticism about the external world?
Some philosophers point to Putnam (1981?).
Putnam, H. (1981). Brains in a Vat. In Reason, Truth, and History (Vol. 1, pp. 1–21). Cambridge University Press.
But is there an earlier source?
From someone else?
#epistemology #philosophyOfMind #historyOfPhilosophy #PhilosophyChatter #xPhiChatter
#philosophy #epistemology #philosophyofmind #historyofphilosophy #philosophychatter #xphichatter
History of Africana Philosophy
History of Philosophy Without Any Gaps.
Just wondering if there are any followers of this podcast? May be who want to reflect/discuss episodes?
If so, maybe we can use this hopwag group?
#historyofphilosophy #history #philosophy
This CUP Element on Susan #Stebbing is free until December 7: https://doi.org/10.1017/9781009026925 #WomenInPhilosophy #Logic #HistoryOfPhilosophy #Philosophy
#philosophy #historyofphilosophy #logic #womeninphilosophy #stebbing
A longer list of research interests relevant to #RedEnlightenment
#education #consciousness #psychedelia #ChristianSocialism #engagedbuddhism #meditation #mindfulness #enlightenment #radicalenlightenment #decolonising #decolonizing #historyofphilosophy #ChinesePhilosophy #indianphilosophy #AncientPhilosophy #IslamicPhilosophy #spinoza #anthropology #utopianism #historyofscience #dialecticalmaterialism #deleuze #guattari #postmodernism #Bogdanov #ContemporaryArt #mysticism #activism #markfisher
#redenlightenment #education #consciousness #psychedelia #ChristianSocialism #engagedbuddhism #meditation #mindfulness #enlightenment #radicalenlightenment #decolonising #decolonizing #historyofphilosophy #ChinesePhilosophy #indianphilosophy #AncientPhilosophy #islamicphilosophy #spinoza #anthropology #utopianism #historyofscience #dialecticalmaterialism #deleuze #guattari #postmodernism #bogdanov #contemporaryart #mysticism #activism #markfisher
Wim Klever: Locke‘s discussed Spinozism
„Locke was not only much influenced by Spinoza’s works, but that he also adopted and processed all the main items of his physics, epistemology, ethics and political theory.“
#Locke #Spinoza #philosophy #historyofphilosophy
#Locke #spinoza #philosophy #historyofphilosophy
Looking around: #history #news #sports #music #politics #HistoryOfPhilosophy #HistoryOfReligion #IntellectualHistory #Anthropology #Psychology #Sociology #SocialSciences #Demographics #Statistics
#statistics #demographics #socialsciences #sociology #psychology #anthropology #intellectualhistory #historyofreligion #historyofphilosophy #Politics #Music #sports #News #History
A complete bibliography on Jürgen Habermas’ "Auch eine Geschichte der Philosophie" (2019) - in English and German:
54 book reviews, 52 articles & book chapters, and 4 books.
#Habermas #Philosophy #Historyofphilosophy #Intellectualhistory
#habermas #philosophy #historyofphilosophy #intellectualhistory
@WhollyHollye I'll occasionally venture into these topics (often through podcasts such as #HistoryOfPhilosophy and #PhilosophizeThis).
There's also @Gotterdammerung, that I'm aware of.
#historyofphilosophy #philosophizethis
Here's a little #Bergson fact for you this Saturday: In the 1910s, Bergson's lectures at the
Collège de France in Paris were so popular that people would climb up the side of the building to listen in and it was suggested that his lectures be moved to the grand amphitheatre of the Sorbonne or even the Opera de Paris. We have photographic evidence #philosophy #history #HistoryOfPhilosophy
#bergson #philosophy #history #historyofphilosophy
Time for a renewed #introduction!
I'm Honorary Associate in #philosophy at the Open University. My main research concerns how conceptions of nature and politics condition and mutually shape each other. #politicalphilosophy #historyofphilosophy
I also have interests in #teachingandlearning, #onlinelearning #assessment and #feedback
My most recent research looks at the public/private divide in #Arendt and #AncientPhilosophy
Look fwd to connecting with you here!
#introduction #philosophy #politicalphilosophy #historyofphilosophy #teachingandlearning #onlinelearning #assessment #feedback #arendt #AncientPhilosophy
This Friday, I am going to start #teaching a four-week #lecture series “Is mental conflict possible? Akrasia as a touchstone of ancient moral philosophies” at the Department of #Philosophy in #Oxford. The course covers treatments of #akrasia (weakness of will / lack of control / incontinence) in #AncientPhilosophy (Greek and Roman traditions), covering #Socrates, #Plato, #Aristotle, and (as always, if there is time) the #Stoics.
Question: what interesting treatments of this phenomenon in other philosophical traditions / the later #HistoryOfPhilosophy could I read up on to also mention to my students to more fully introduce and motivate the course?
#historyofphilosophy #stoics #Aristotle #plato #socrates #AncientPhilosophy #akrasia #oxford #philosophy #lecture #teaching