Tudor_Times · @tudortimes
179 followers · 229 posts · Server toot.wales

1496 Mary, second surviving daughter of Henry VII and Elizabeth of York was born bit.ly/2G3GhIR. Despite a long betrothal to Charles of Castile (later HRE Charles V) Mary was married to Louis XII of France as part of the peace treaty of 1514. On Louis’ early death, she married Charles Brandon, Duke of Suffolk, much to the displeasure of her brother, Henry VIII, who was exceedingly angry, until mollified by payment of a large fine.

#valois #tudor #historyofroyalwomen #queens #otd

Last updated 2 years ago

Tudor_Times · @tudortimes
173 followers · 225 posts · Server toot.wales

1457, in the fortress of Pembroke Castle, a young woman, not yet 14 bore a son. The mother, Margaret Beaufort, was 2nd cousin to Henry VI and she named her son in his honour. She was also the widow of the king’s half-brother, Edmund Tudor, Earl of Richmond. It is unlikely that at the time of his birth, anyone foresaw that young Henry Tudor would become King Henry VII. Read more on him here. bit.ly/1RCUldq

#tudor #historyofroyalwomen #pembrokecastle #henryvii #histodons #otd

Last updated 2 years ago

Tudor_Times · @tudortimes
170 followers · 223 posts · Server toot.wales

1568 d. Lady Katherine Grey, who believed herself to be the wife of Edward Seymour, Earl of Hertford aged only 27. Katherine was the sister of Lady Jane Grey, and was, according to the will of Henry VIII, the heir to Elizabeth’s throne She had been under arrest for seven years for marrying without royal consent. Elizabeth I had had the marriage declared void, and showed no sign of forgiving her cousin.bit.ly/1gzYe4V

#historyofroyalwomen #ladyjanegrey #katherinegrey #histodons #otd

Last updated 2 years ago

Tudor_Times · @tudortimes
159 followers · 165 posts · Server toot.wales

1480 a daughter, named Marguerite, was born to Mary, Duchess of Burgundy and her husband, Maximilian, King of the Romans (later Emperor). The little girl was probably named for Mary’s step-mother, Margaret of York. Marguerite grew up to be one of the most influential women of the first half of the sixteenth century. More on Marguerite here. bit.ly/2SDTL4S

#maximilian #margueriteofsavoy #margueriteofaustria #europeanhistory #histodons #historyofroyalwomen #otd

Last updated 2 years ago

Tudor_Times · @tudortimes
157 followers · 164 posts · Server toot.wales

1536, Katharine of Aragon, 1st wife of Henry VIII died at Kimbolton Castle. As Katharine would not allow anyone to serve her who would not address her as 'Queen', her servants were limited to the few remaining Spanish members of her household who were not forced to swear to the Acts of Succession and Supremacy which rendered Katharine’s title as Dowager Princess of Wales. bit.ly/1Wj6HMS Pic Horenbout ©NPG

#henryviii #historyofroyalwomen #katharineofaragon #queens #tudor #histodons #otd

Last updated 2 years ago

Tudor_Times · @tudortimes
125 followers · 88 posts · Server toot.wales

1485, Isabella, Queen of Castile, wife of Ferdinand, King of Aragon bore a daughter named Catalina, or Katharine, perhaps in remembrance of Isabella’s English grandmother, Katherine of Lancaster. From an early age Katharine’s destiny was to be Queen of England she was betrothed in 1489 Treaty of Medina del Campo to Arthur Prince of Wales, the marriage to take place when they were 15. bit.ly/1yA0bzI

#spanishhistory #tudor #historyofroyalwomen #queens #katharineofaragon #histodons #otd

Last updated 2 years ago

Tudor_Times · @tudortimes
113 followers · 72 posts · Server toot.wales

1581 d. Maria of Austria, Duchess of Jülich-Cleves-Berg. Maria was the 5th of the 15 children of HRE Ferdinand I & Anna of Bohemia. Brought up a Catholic, she married Willhelm, Duke of Julich-Cleves-Berg in 1546. Cleves, although not officially Lutheran, was allied to the Lutheran Schmalkaldic League. Maria’s sister-in-law, Anne, bit.ly/32woqXc briefly married Henry VIII of England. Maria & Wilhelm's descendants sit on every European throne today.

#historyofroyalwomen #histodons #otd

Last updated 2 years ago

Tudor_Times · @tudortimes
112 followers · 69 posts · Server toot.wales

1491 14-year-old Anne, Duchess of Brittany, was married to Charles VIII of France in completion of the Treaty of Vergers. bit.ly/2ErZhzP Anne had inherited the duchy from her father, Francois II, who had spent the greater part of his life trying to protect the independence of Brittany from a France newly resurgent after the misery and costs of the Hundred Years War began to recede.

#france #brittany #queens #historyofroyalwomen #frenchhistory #histodons #otd

Last updated 2 years ago

Tudor_Times · @tudortimes
77 followers · 29 posts · Server toot.wales

1487 Elizabeth of York was crowned. She had been married for nearly two years, but first pregnancy, then the Lambert Simnel affair had delayed her coronation. Elizabeth has been seen as the ideal mediaeval queen – fertile, pious, not openly involved in politics, and devoted to her family. More on her here. bit.ly/339DKLc

#historyofroyalwomen #histodon #queens #tudor #history #henryviii #henryvii #elizabethofyork #otd

Last updated 2 years ago

Tudor_Times · @tudortimes
15 followers · 8 posts · Server toot.wales

1558, within 12 hours of each other, died Mary I, bit.ly/1QwF7U6 first crowned queen-regnant of England, and her cousin and archbishop of Canterbury, Reginald Pole, last Catholic apb in England.

#cardinalpole #maryi #historyofroyalwomen #queens #tudors #otd

Last updated 2 years ago