DoomsdaysCW · @DoomsdaysCW
1064 followers · 14199 posts · Server

As promised, this week's list are my favorite / accounts. Follow them if you want news about , , and other news!

(My lifeline here on Mastodon. Posts Leilani Athenaire’s tweets and news from )

@SZKN29 x
Illustrator, picture book author, care worker. I mainly cover Futaba District, Fukushima Prefecture on foot. A total of 410 km was covered. Tokyo Shimbun "Drawing Invisible Radioactivity"

(Has timely posts!)
In the name of all warriors, we warriors promise to participate in the .CC3

(Covers and )
Reporter for The Highlands Current: An award-winning, non-profit, independent newspaper in New York's Hudson Valley. I also teach journalism at Marist College. Not actually a cat.

? Nein Danke! Wir streiten für eine Welt ohne .
Nuclear power? No thank you! We are fighting for a world without nuclear energy.

We, moving people from and the surrounding area, are committed to the decommissioning of all nuclear plants and an ecological (decentralized and democratic, i.e. in the hands of citizens!). We oppose the French repository project in Lorraine with the resistance house and for the closure of the . In addition, we support the switch to |providers without or |corporations as well as to corresponding banks.

Nuclear historian at the Peace Institute. Book - Nuclear Bodies: The Global Hibakusha - Yale 2022. I work on the global human & ecological harm from nuclear production, nuclear weapon tests, reactor accidents. I examine the impacts on communities, families & emotions; long-term ecological presence of fallout ; the legacy of our to 1,000s of generations of our descendants.

The Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament. Find out more:

Center for Arms Control and Non-Proliferation. Working to limit & eventually eliminate the nuclear threat through Congressional & public outreach.

Editor and co-author, "Atomic Audit: The Costs and Consequences of US Nuclear Weapons Since 1940" • Nonresident Senior Fellow, Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists. I write primarily about nuclear weapons, nuclear weapons history and policy, and the nuclear "Football."

Energy historian, with a focus on Soviet and Russian nuclear programmes. PhD candidate at KTH Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm, Sweden.

PhD in History, Researcher at Lund University

The Arms Control Association, founded in 1971, is a nonpartisan membership organization dedicated to promoting public understanding of and support for effective arms control policies.

Journalist. Montana kid. Editor at .org. , published by Haymarket Books, out now!

#followfriday #nonukes #nowar #fukushima #nucleardisarmament #nuclear #japan #digital #Anonymous #hacktheplanet #anonops #infosec #antifa #indianpoint #HOLTEC #environmental #atomkraft #atomenergie #antiatom #antiakw #trier #Energiewende #bure #burezonelibre #akw #cattenom #okostrom #atom #Kohle #hiroshima #radionuclides #NuclearWaste #histodons #peace #coldwarhistory #nuclearculture #nuclearhistory #nuclearhumanities #mediahistory #urbanhistory #memorystudies #historyofscienceandtechnology #digitalhistory #architecture #ruins #shelters #imaginaries #environmentalhistory #transnationalhistory #counterpunch #atomicdays

Last updated 1 year ago

icing analysis · @icinganalysis
0 followers · 1 posts · Server

I write about the (US) National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics (NACA) aircraft icing publications, 1918 to 1959. This is a lesser-known area of the history of science and technology.

While my blog posts are technical, I will post here some of the interesting quotes and photos that I find.
The NACA images are Public Domain, so use them as you wish.

#introductions #aircraft #aircrafticing #icinganalysis #historyofscienceandtechnology #history #histodons

Last updated 2 years ago

icing analysis · @icinganalysis
1 followers · 6 posts · Server

"an irregular shape is developed due to the ice formation, which is ruinous to the aerodynamic efficiency of the airfoils"

Ice Shapes and Their Effects

#histodons #historyofscienceandtechnology #icinganalysis #aircrafticing #aircraft

Last updated 2 years ago