Noah is me. 😆 😆 😆 #Pugs #HistoryOfTheWorldPart2 #SundayFunday
#sundayfunday #historyoftheworldpart2 #pugs
#historyoftheworldpart2 way more penis jokes than I was prepared for…but they have not mentioned Rasputin’s. Seems like a major oversight. #TheFirstJokeIsTheDeepest #PenisJokesRule #LaughLikeNoOneHearsYou #BadMotherAward #YesMyKidsWatchedIt
#historyoftheworldpart2 #thefirstjokeisthedeepest #penisjokesrule #laughlikenoonehearsyou #badmotheraward #yesmykidswatchedit
Relaxing in the recliner before bedtime. Watching the very inappropriate #historyoftheworldpart2 on #Hulu. #Selfie #StarTrekPillow
#historyoftheworldpart2 #hulu #selfie #startrekpillow
From the beginning to the end of the world. Double Feature Review for #historyoftheworldpart2 and #thelastofus up now!
#historyoftheworldpart2 #thelastofus
#HistoryOfTheWorldPart2 - misses the mighty mighty Mel's vision, but as a kind of a spiritual sequel, it still delivers plenty of laughs. And as a Jewish who's who of comedy, it is a pretty stacked roster. TL;DR doesnt feel like Mel's, but funny sketch comedy is always welcome.
History Of The World Part II on #Hulu has lot of great moments. Could be a little shorter, but overall worth watching. #HistoryOfTheWorldPart2
TV TONIGHT (March 9)
#PokerFace #You #HistoryOfTheWorldPart2 #TopChef #SchoolSpirits #RHOM #GreysAnatomy #SoHelpMeTodd #CallMeCat #BattleBots #SwampPeople #RestaurantImpossible #ATimeToKill #TorsoKillerConfessions #ImpracticalJokers #GrowingUpHipHop
#growinguphiphop #ImpracticalJokers #torsokillerconfessions #ATimeToKill #restaurantimpossible #swamppeople #battlebots #callmecat #SoHelpMeTodd #greysanatomy #rhom #schoolspirits #topchef #historyoftheworldpart2 #you #pokerface
#HistoryOfTheWorldPart2 is fucking sensational! If you like that sort of thing.
So, apparently, Mel Brooks *finally* made #HistoryOfTheWorldPart2. (I saw the original in theater.)
Watching now on #Hulu
We better get Jews in Space after all this time.
Watching #historyoftheworldpart2 , every time I hear someone talking about Lenin I want to say “I am the walrus” and see who gets it
#Watched the first 2 eps of History of the World Part 2. It give me no pleasure in telling you that this isn't funny. At all. It's even more painful to think a group of "comedy" writers thought their stuff was funny enough to film. It makes me wonder if Mel Brook was involved at all with it.
#HistoryOfTheWorldPart2 #HardPass #Hulu #series
#watched #historyoftheworldpart2 #hardpass #hulu #series
In celebration of #HistoryOfTheWorldPart2 coming out on #Hulu, here's some of the best bits of #HistoryOfTheWorldPart1.
"The Last Supper"
(It's #HootinTootinTuesday again! Post some jokes or funny memes under this hashtag today, and bring lots of smiles to #Mastodon.)
#Humor #Humour #MelBrooks #Jokestodon #Musicals #Comedy #MusicalComedy #JohnHurt #Jesus #ReligiousHumor #DaVinci #LeonardoDaVinci
#johnhurt #jesus #religioushumor #davinci #leonardodavinci #historyoftheworldpart2 #hulu #historyoftheworldpart1 #hootintootintuesday #Mastodon #Humor #humour #melbrooks #jokestodon #musicals #comedy #musicalcomedy
In celebration of #HistoryOfTheWorldPart2 coming out on #Hulu, here's some of the best bits of #HistoryOfTheWorldPart1.
"The Unemployment Line"
(It's #HootinTootinTuesday again! Post some jokes or funny memes under this hashtag today, and bring lots of smiles to #Mastodon.)
#Humor #Humour #MelBrooks #Jokestodon #Musicals #Comedy #MusicalComedy #BeaArthur #Maude #GoldenGirls
#historyoftheworldpart2 #hulu #historyoftheworldpart1 #hootintootintuesday #Mastodon #Humor #humour #melbrooks #jokestodon #musicals #comedy #musicalcomedy #beaarthur #maude #goldengirls
In celebration of #HistoryOfTheWorldPart2 coming out on #Hulu, here's some of the best bits of #HistoryOfTheWorldPart1.
"The Inquisition - What a Show!"
(It's #HootinTootinTuesday again! Post some jokes or funny memes under this hashtag today, and bring lots of smiles to #Mastodon.)
#Humor #Humour #MelBrooks #Jokestodon #Musicals #Comedy #MusicalComedy
#historyoftheworldpart2 #hulu #historyoftheworldpart1 #hootintootintuesday #Mastodon #Humor #humour #melbrooks #jokestodon #musicals #comedy #musicalcomedy
TV TONIGHT (March 7)
#ThatsMyJam #IconsUnearthed #TheWinchesters #FindingYourRoots #LoveTripParis #BloodAndMoney #WhoKilledRobertWone #HistoryOfTheWorldPart2 #911LoneStar #RHONJ #CurseOfOakIsland #Catfish #HomesteadRescue #1000LbSisters #CarIssues #NBA
#nba #carissues #1000lbSisters #homesteadrescue #catfish #curseofoakisland #RHONJ #911LoneStar #historyoftheworldpart2 #whokilledrobertwone #bloodandmoney #lovetripparis #FindingYourRoots #TheWinchesters #iconsunearthed #thatsmyjam
Watched Episodes 1 & 2 of #HistoryoftheWorldPartII and it was generally amusing and had a few laugh-out-loud moments. Some misses but not enough to detract. Looking forward to the rest of the episodes.
#tv #historyoftheworldpart2 #historyoftheworldpartii