That being said, after reading the below article I have found a fresh perspective. I've learned about this pattern before. This is simply #HistoryRepeatingItself. Similar conversations and revelations happened during the #IndustrialRevolution around mass production factories eliminating many worker positions that had been manually done for centuries. Today, it's centered around #humanz being replaced by intelligent computers. Hasn't that always been the goal of computers, let alone intelligent systems? To replace or automate tasks humanz no longer want to do? Or did I misunderstand the whole point of the technological revolutions of our time?
#historyrepeatingitself #industrialrevolution #humanz
@fraying If they want government to get out of their face why then are they putting MORE government control in the nations path! Kinda seems f****d up to me! This kind of control has never ended well for those that impose it. This time will be no different.
#HistoryRepeatingItself #Facism #SelfRightous #SelfImportant #Pharisees
#historyrepeatingitself #facism #selfrightous #selfimportant #pharisees
"... 254 (29.2%) of those who returned to continental Europe were murdered during the Holocaust." 😞
May 2021
:heart_nb: :heart_trans: :newpride: :anqueer_flag:
#AntiTransBills #transyouth #nonbinaryyouth #LGBTQIAplus :newpride:
#AntiTransBills #transyouth #nonbinaryyouth #lgbtqiaplus #historyrepeatingitself #history #law #USAShitShow
Personally to me the only thing that will change the landscape has #Linux in it.
Otherwise it's just more #ProprietarySoftware polluting the landscape, we'll just see the same old thing, #HistoryRepeatingItself:
Company goes "bla bla our product is the best" wait a while...
"we must restrict this and that"
...wait some more...
"our sales our going down"
"we went bancrupt! Sorry! No Amazeheld2 will be released in the foreseeable future!"
#SteamDeck: u wot mate?
#linux #proprietarysoftware #historyrepeatingitself #SteamDeck
@Shirl Just because they have made it legal doesn't mean it's right. #historyrepeatingitself
Le Matin, samedi 26 d'octobre 1918, when hospitals in France were overwhelmed...
"To relieve the hospitals, cure your flu at home"
#PlusÇaChange #Enough #CMTSU #HistoryRepeatingItself #WeNeverLearn #BCEd #BCPoli
#pluscachange #enough #cmtsu #historyrepeatingitself #weneverlearn #bced #bcpoli
@DrLindseyFitzharris Love this! They used x-rays for many years to measure foot size as well, until people finally came to the understanding that wasn't smart. I always point to this when I talk about the issues we see today with microwave and millimeter wave radiation. However, this time the mechanics and 'danger' is very well understood. It's just that we don't want to accept it for commercial reasons.
#radiation #history #HistoryRepeatingItself #LearnFromPastMistakes
#radiation #history #historyrepeatingitself #learnfrompastmistakes