#introduction (a bit late because) I'm a schoolteacher for biology & chemistry in a German ‘Gymnasium’ (what you'd variously call grammar or secondary school with pupils ca. 10-19 years). I have a Ph.D. in biology (evolutionary ecology) and that screwed my brain into a machine that cannot stop thinking about science. Hence, I have a pastime (evolutionary theory) and do occasionally even publish something about it (mostly with a #histsci #histscidon bent).
#histscidon #histsci #introduction
Hi there, historians of science. How about putting the hashtag #histscidon in your profile, so other historians of science can locate you more easily? #histodons is good too, but a very broad umbrella, history of any subject.
@coastalhistory @rachelcleves
Er, history is too broad an umbrella for me, I guess. Suggest #histscidon #histscidons for the history of science.