This weird request was unexpected! #japan #hitchhiker #travel #asia #nagasaki #explore #whereisdan
#Nagasaki #Nagasakidestinations #Nagasakitour #Nagasakitravel #Nagasakitrip #nagasakivacation #長崎
#japan #hitchhiker #travel #asia #nagasaki #explore #whereisdan #nagasakidestinations #nagasakitour #nagasakitravel #nagasakitrip #nagasakivacation #長崎
#BlackMirror? #HitchHiker? #Terminator?
Ich weiß nicht wo ich diese Nachricht am ehesten verorten würde. Und ob ich lachen oder heulen soll...
#terminator #hitchhiker #blackmirror
Genieße den Handtuchtag / Towel Day 2023
Der 25. Mai, ein wundervoller Feiertag zu Ehren von Douglas Adams und seinem Werk ‘Per Anhalter durch die Galaxis’.
Zeit, sich zu entspannen, das Handtuch auszurollen und sich einen Fisch ins Ohr zu stecken.
#towelday #towelday2023 #douglasadams #hitchhiker #dontpanic
#towelday #towelday2023 #douglasadams #hitchhiker #dontpanic
Happy Towel Day 2023
It is time to relax, roll out your towel and pop a fish in your ear. Today, is Towel Day.
As a tribute to Douglas Adams on may 25th, carry a towel with you. The Towel Day, a wonderful tribute to Adams and a sign in public to identify other Hitchhiker :)
Get one for you or your friends:
#towelday #towelday2023 #douglasadams #hitchhiker #may25 #dontpanic
#towelday #towelday2023 #douglasadams #hitchhiker #may25 #dontpanic
Ich werde heute 42. Wer also Fragen zum Leben, Universum oder dem ganzen Rest hat, immer her damit. #hitchhiker #deepthought
My first attempt to machine embroider on terry cloth — I used a water soluble stabilizer on top so the embroidery itself is not bad, but threads are pulling a lot on this old towel as I try to remove it
And I realized halfway through this is way too big for the purse I have in mind
#hitchhiker #embroidery #quilting
A hitch-hiker in the baking Saudi desert: James Deavin’s best photograph
#hitchhiker #jamesdeavin #saudiarabia #photography
I hope this description of the earth 🌎 is correct : “Mostly harmless” - The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy -
#Earth #Hitchhiker #humanity #Books #Future #Literature #Galaxy
#galaxy #literature #future #books #humanity #hitchhiker #earth
In danmark we questioning,what's is going on,on our society?we feel less &less unsafe;robbery,shooting,crime,is scary even to walk to the parking place at night;if something will happen to me...I will pick a #journalist the robbers will probably kill him/het before they kill me #doggydog #dogeatdog #dogeatetchother #hitchhiker #zemeckis #serpent
#journalist #doggydog #dogeatdog #dogeatetchother #hitchhiker #zemeckis #serpent
A few people think I just... talk,but my wordzzz are 1111% truth,I talk about alex vanopslagh in my Twitter 2 years&I HAVE RIGHT!I TOLD YOU SO...!!! the politics neither hates nor loves but sits, waiting patiently, for people to do famous stuff,I'm not one of kind to believe Monty Python is the devil snake from Harry Potter #doggydog #dogeatdog #dogeatetchother #hitchhiker #zemeckis #whatscracking #mugger #wormlong #doofus #meshugeneh #craponthecob #statterandwaldorf #thebreadisstale
#doggydog #dogeatdog #dogeatetchother #hitchhiker #zemeckis #whatscracking #mugger #wormlong #doofus #meshugeneh #craponthecob #statterandwaldorf #thebreadisstale
Yeah!this is the newzzz I believe in it...and Paris H you look like a baby doll found in hurricane rubble #doggydog #dogeatdog #dogeatetchother #hitchhiker #zemeckis #serpent #whatscracking #mugger #wormlong #doofus #meshugeneh #craponthecob #statterandwaldorf #thebreadisstale #jaywalking #calloutthedog #knuckleheads #yachterotter
#doggydog #dogeatdog #dogeatetchother #hitchhiker #zemeckis #serpent #whatscracking #mugger #wormlong #doofus #meshugeneh #craponthecob #statterandwaldorf #thebreadisstale #jaywalking #calloutthedog #knuckleheads #yachterotter
I want to fly away a little bit out of politics,the only limitations is my imagination,let's have fun
#doggydog #dogeatdog #dogeatetchother #hitchhiker #zemeckis #serpent #whatscracking #mugger #wormlong #doofus #meshugeneh #craponthecob #statterandwaldorf #thebreadisstale #jaywalking #calloutthedog #knuckleheads #yachterotter
#doggydog #dogeatdog #dogeatetchother #hitchhiker #zemeckis #serpent #whatscracking #mugger #wormlong #doofus #meshugeneh #craponthecob #statterandwaldorf #thebreadisstale #jaywalking #calloutthedog #knuckleheads #yachterotter
Happy #fastelavnsboller happy #fastelavn #johnnytietoolong #dogliketongue #potpot #sickpuppy #boogeyman #muteandscoot #unscented #jeckinthesweats #doggydog #dogeatdog #hitchhiker #zemeckis #serpent #whatscracking #mugger #wormlong #doofus #meshugeneh #craponthecob #statterandwaldorf #thebreadisstale #jaywalking #calloutthedog #knuckleheads
#fastelavnsboller #fastelavn #johnnytietoolong #dogliketongue #potpot #sickpuppy #boogeyman #muteandscoot #unscented #jeckinthesweats #doggydog #dogeatdog #hitchhiker #zemeckis #serpent #whatscracking #mugger #wormlong #doofus #meshugeneh #craponthecob #statterandwaldorf #thebreadisstale #jaywalking #calloutthedog #knuckleheads
(2) the 👿 do you build a house out of straws??& three 🐷 living together?!? gayzzz!but so's the 🐺 he's chasing 🐖🐖🐖 & blowing everything in sight!I just can't say,I don't know what value have this continent,when I can feel we don't have culture identity #doggydog #dogeatetchother #dogeatdog #hitchhiker #zemeckis #serpent
#doggydog #dogeatetchother #dogeatdog #hitchhiker #zemeckis #serpent
(Spoiler alert) In #Hitchhiker'sGuide a supercomputer determines that the answer to the Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe, and Everything is #42. That's also how many years I've been married. It's my 42nd #anniversary and we will eat #leftovers for dinner because we are doing #childcare and will be too tired after to go out. It's okay. I made a short rib curry and kind of can't wait to eat more of it.
#hitchhiker #anniversary #leftovers #childcare
Final episode of #HitchHiker is up! #youtube #gaymer
A towel, [The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy] says, is about the most massively useful thing an interstellar hitchhiker can have. Partly it has great practical value. You can wrap it around you for warmth as you bound across the cold moons of Jaglan Beta; you can lie on it on the brilliant marble-sanded beaches of Santraginus V, inhaling the heady sea vapors; you can sleep under it beneath the stars which shine so redly on the desert world of Kakrafoon; use it to sail a miniraft down the slow heavy River Moth; wet it for use in hand-to-hand-combat; wrap it round your head to ward off noxious fumes or avoid the gaze of the Ravenous Bugblatter Beast of Traal (such a mind-boggingly stupid animal, it assumes that if you can't see it, it can't see you); you can wave your towel in emergencies as a distress signal, and of course dry yourself off with it if it still seems to be clean enough.
Douglas Adams
There's all kinds of milestones in our life,crying,pain,hate,love,screaming,laughing,sadness,lost,the kind you expect to live through 1st love,1st kiss,1st move, birthday,school,graduation,if you're lucky,a wedding divorce,or two,or even a new addition to the family,kids,3kids,then there's the kind I/you never dreamed you'd get to live through again,pension,freedom,and that's the best kind of all,in our life,enjoy the life #hitchhiker