Racing through Japan : Motorbike vs. Everything Else
#Abroad #adventure #asia #bullettrain #eat #eating #explore #food #foodie #fun #hitchhiking #independent #Japan #Japanese #kyde #long #married #Motorbike #publictransport #Race #Shinkansen #Shizuoka #Shizuokadestinations #Shizuokatour #Shizuokatravel #Shizuokatrip #Shizuokavacation #story #travel #traveler #traveller #vlog #world #worldtravel #静岡
#abroad #adventure #asia #bullettrain #eat #eating #explore #food #foodie #fun #hitchhiking #independent #japan #japanese #kyde #long #married #motorbike #publictransport #race #shinkansen #shizuoka #shizuokadestinations #shizuokatour #shizuokatravel #shizuokatrip #shizuokavacation #story #travel #traveler #traveller #vlog #world #worldtravel #静岡
Pas de transports publics car l'État préfère financer la voiture.. ouf, le stop est là 😍
For years, the youngsters in this little village in #Germany have thumbed a lift from here to the towns nearby. A few years ago, the village council built them special seats, and a sign they can flip so drivers can see which destination they want. I think the #mitfahrbank is a delightful idea!
#RuralLife #RuralTransport #hitchhiking #transport
#transport #hitchhiking #ruraltransport #rurallife #mitfahrbank #germany
Mutti hat davor immer gewarnt, doch nun erlebt das Trampen eine Art Revival. Offenbar strecken immer mehr #Abenteuer|lustige den Daumen aus. Schließlich passt das #Trampen zu den anderen Trends der Gesellschaft: Es ist „social“, #umweltfreundlich und flexibel.
#Tramper, #Reisen per #Anhalter, #Hitchhiking, #Autostopp
#abenteuer #trampen #umweltfreundlich #tramper #reisen #anhalter #hitchhiking #autostopp
OMG @bab2023 was amazing! So many lovely people; two of whom helped us hitch our first ride out of Ljubljana ❤️ Ended up at a petrol station by the border, where someone came up in 5 minutes and offered a ride to Munich after they peed. They never returned from the toilet, but like four hours later, a couple sees us signing, feels bad, and drive into the petrol station through the one way exit!! They're now taking us to Innsbruck ❤️🖤🏴 This #hitchhiking thing is pretty wild 🐬🪸
When I was 30 I didn't even own a car, but it was pretty easy getting around in Atlanta in the early 70s. I took buses, caught rides, #hitchhiked (never see anybody #hitchhiking these days) or (primarily) rode my #bike. Such a lifestyle would have been impossible in Dallas. I live in Central NY now, and biking is a dicey do with the weather and not much public transportation if you get caught 5 miles from home.
#hitchhiked #hitchhiking #bike
It seems that they are on their way to the Abbey of Thelema.
#hitchhiking #sfwart #oc #marilynmanson #analog #vhs
I've been thinking about how trust is a resource. Without trust, I would never have been able to hitchhike across Europe. I was powered from Amsterdam to the Arctic using the resource of trust.
Hopefully, I behaved respectfully on my travels and added to humanity's trust stockpile. Trust is self perpetuating. So, I suppose, is distrust. #hitchhiking #travel
Anyway, here's another one of the North #Norfolk coast. I love anything ramshackle. The world needs more ramshackle.
Hitchhikers' Guide for Vampires: If it's dawning, PANIC!!!
#art #artwork #sketch #doodle #drawing #inking #illustration #cartoon #cartoonists #cartoonillustration #comics #comicstrip #gagcomic #gagcartoons #digitalart #vampire #hitchhiking #douglasadamsreference #transylvania #funny #MastoArt
#MastoArt #Funny #transylvania #douglasadamsreference #hitchhiking #Vampire #DigitalArt #gagcartoons #gagcomic #comicstrip #Comics #cartoonillustration #cartoonists #Cartoon #Illustration #inking #Drawing #doodle #Sketch #Artwork #Art
##ainu #Ainuculture #Ainulanguage #Ainupeople #Ainupeoplearedifferent #BackpackinginHokkaido #Hitchhike #hitchhikejapan #Hitchhiking #hokkaido #Hokkaido2020 #Hokkaidofood #Hokkaidotravel #HtchhikinginJapan #Japan2020 #JapaneseFood #japanesepeople #JapaneseReaction #MeetingtheAinu #Nibutani #sapporo #seafoodinJapan #tokyo #TravelcheapinJapan #travelinhokkaido #travelinJapan #traveling #travelinginjapan #WhoareAinu #WhyJapan #WhytravelinJapan #釧路湿原ツアー
#Ainu #ainuculture #ainulanguage #ainupeople #ainupeoplearedifferent #backpackinginhokkaido #hitchhike #hitchhikejapan #hitchhiking #hokkaido #hokkaido2020 #hokkaidofood #hokkaidotravel #htchhikinginjapan #japan2020 #japanesefood #japanesepeople #japanesereaction #meetingtheainu #nibutani #Sapporo #seafoodinjapan #tokyo #travelcheapinjapan #travelinhokkaido #travelinjapan #traveling #travelinginjapan #whoareainu #whyjapan #whytravelinjapan #釧路湿原ツアー
#ImaginationNetwork #Flow #CreativeFlow #PassingThoughts #ShowerThoughts #NeurologyofAdhd #CreativeIndex #FluidReasoning #CreativeMinds #psych #lsd #ayahuasca #Hallucinogenics #shrooms #hypnotic #hypnosis #hypnotherapy #psychotherapy #shamanism #luciddreaming #collectiveunconscious #jungian #collectivepsyche #kaiofdogtown #straightouttadogtown #plur #raveculture #microdose #mandy #kaithehitchhiker #NetflixDocumentary #documentary #interestingpeople #accidentalhero #accidentalheroine #homeless #transient #hitchhiker #nomad #nomadic #digitalnomads #vanlife #skoolie #fireus #fi #kmphnews #lovedrug #happypill #bigpharma #egodeath #freudian #shaman #pagan #paganism #medicineman #unhoused #homelessness #hitchhiking #funnyinterviews #memes #ghostsofyoutube #homelesshitchhiker #raciallymotivatedattack #innocentbystander #poverty #socialdeterminantsofhealth #rehabilitation #nj #newjersey #stateprison #inmatehealth #mentalillness #druginducedpsychosis #racistattack #domesticterrorist #domesticterrorism #crt #criticalracethory #vehicularmanslaughter #weaponizedcars #carattack #hitandrun #replacementtheory #commonenemy #trumpian #antiimmigrant #bigotry #victomofracism #incel #mgtow #whitemalerage #familicide #toxixmasculinity #middleagecrisis #mediocrity #whitemalemediocrity #mediocrewhitemale #displacedanger #displacedoutrage #racewar #manufacturedoutrage #alexjones #conspiracytheorist #flatearthers
#imaginationnetwork #flow #creativeflow #passingthoughts #showerthoughts #neurologyofadhd #creativeindex #fluidreasoning #creativeminds #psych #lsd #ayahuasca #Hallucinogenics #shrooms #hypnotic #hypnosis #hypnotherapy #psychotherapy #shamanism #luciddreaming #collectiveunconscious #jungian #collectivepsyche #kaiofdogtown #straightouttadogtown #plur #raveculture #microdose #mandy #kaithehitchhiker #NetflixDocumentary #documentary #interestingpeople #accidentalhero #accidentalheroine #homeless #transient #hitchhiker #nomad #nomadic #digitalnomads #vanlife #skoolie #fireus #fi #kmphnews #lovedrug #happypill #bigpharma #egodeath #freudian #shaman #pagan #paganism #medicineman #Unhoused #homelessness #hitchhiking #funnyinterviews #memes #ghostsofyoutube #homelesshitchhiker #raciallymotivatedattack #innocentbystander #poverty #socialdeterminantsofhealth #rehabilitation #nj #newjersey #stateprison #inmatehealth #mentalillness #druginducedpsychosis #racistattack #DomesticTerrorist #domesticterrorism #crt #criticalracethory #vehicularmanslaughter #weaponizedcars #carattack #hitandrun #replacementtheory #commonenemy #trumpian #antiimmigrant #bigotry #victomofracism #incel #mgtow #whitemalerage #familicide #toxixmasculinity #middleagecrisis #mediocrity #whitemalemediocrity #mediocrewhitemale #displacedanger #displacedoutrage #racewar #manufacturedoutrage #alexjones #conspiracytheorist #flatearthers
Excerpt from
These quotes by Tolstoy made me think about my hitch hiking 'odyssey' around Australia when I had very little money as a young man.
It struck me that I was riding on a thread of kindness stretching along highways made by strangers who picked me up.
#hitchhiking #kindness
#OldWestPrompt 9: "Railcar"
Communicating secret glyphs
To all my fellow bindlestiffs,
I often share a common camp
Or railcar with the traveling tramp,
But unlike him, I do not shirk
The opportunity for work.
I walk the road, stick out my thumb…
I’m homeless, but I’m not a bum.
#poetry #shortpoems #riddlepoems #oldwest #greatdepression #railroad #trains #hitchhiking #migrant #poetrycommunity #writingcommunity
#oldwestprompt #poetry #shortpoems #riddlepoems #oldwest #greatdepression #railroad #trains #hitchhiking #migrant #poetrycommunity #writingcommunity
Too often I post stuff I've just written and have barely learned, and the performance is so so rough.
"The Hitchin' Song" is an old friend from way back. Here's what it sounds like when I just bust it out.
Dedicated to every dog I had to leave at home until I was grown up enough to stay with them or take them with me.
"The Hitchin Song"
[lyrics in alt-text]
[CC 2022 Jennifer Vena Wood Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International]
#hitchhiking #americana #singersongwriter #folk
When we were younger (and without kids) @robbert_geefeconomie and I hitchhiked a lot! Together and alone.
For us it is such a lovely way of meeting new people with diverse backgrounds, feeling the magic of giving and receiving and trusting your gut at the same time as being vulnerable and open.
We met so many nice people from truckdrivers to soccer moms and from families on a holiday with their pets to bussiness man alone in their big car.
#hitchhike #throwback #hippies #hitchhiking
Old Hippie Poem
#vss365 #BraveWrite #feralwriter #amwriting #vssWriting #writingwommunity #poemaday #poem #poems #poetrycommunity #poetry #hitchhiking
🇬🇧 huge bag pack reduces the time by a factor of two (ot three)
🇨🇿 obrovský batoh na zádech snižuje čas stopování alespoň na polovinu, true story
Walking slowly
Listening for a ride
Thumb out just in case - adventure
#Cinquain #CinquainPrompt #Thumb #poetry #MicroPoetry #Hitchhiking
#Cinquain #CinquainPrompt #thumb #poetry #micropoetry #hitchhiking
Just released my latest #hitchhiking vlog. #vagabond #travel #selfpromotion
#hitchhiking #vagabond #travel #selfpromotion
Hi! Here's a collection of hashtags: #ecology #drylands #climatechange #globalchange #drought #science #remotesensing #geography #modelling #soundart #fieldrecording #fieldrecordings #jazz #electronicmusic #doublebass #saxophone #modularsynths #monome #llllllll #supercollider #hitchhiking #hiking #cycling #tourcycling #mountainhiking #ambient #solarpunk #permaculture #programming #linux #rstats #physics #opensource #oss #foss #meditation #creativecommons #Brussels #Copenhagen
#FOSS #drought #globalchange #permaculture #solarpunk #modelling #oss #rstats #Linux #geography #remotesensing #science #meditation #fieldrecordings #copenhagen #brussels #CreativeCommons #opensource #physics #programming #ambient #mountainhiking #tourcycling #cycling #hiking #hitchhiking #supercollider #llllllll #monome #modularsynths #saxophone #doublebass #electronicmusic #jazz #fieldrecording #soundart #climatechange #drylands #ecology #introductions