You know you made it when your wife tells you to turn the channel to the CIA Broadcasting System (CBS).
#HitEmIntheMouth #noagenda
My kids have been watching a ton of John Cena wrestling on YouTube the last few weeks. I asked them why. “Because you listen to him in the car. You know, John Cena Dvorak.” I didn’t have the heart to burst their image of @Johncdvorak being a muscle bound man in panties while listen to NA. Looks like I’ll be headed to wwe smack down in a few months wearing my NA shirt. #hiteminthemouth
I just added a reference to Some Dude Named Ben®™ to a piece of work documentation. #ITM #hitEmInTheMouth #NoAgenda #NoAgendaBannedCamp
#itm #hiteminthemouth #noagenda #NoAgendaBannedCamp
Yep, I'm still single :) Handsome and strong Knight ISO Smoking hot NA producer. Dame/Baroness status a plus. Let's go out and hit people in the mouth together! #jaxxed not #vaxxed #itm #hiteminthemouth #dateme @adam #boostme #itslikeaparty
#jaxxed #vaxxed #itm #hiteminthemouth #dateme #boostme #itslikeaparty
Health coaching referrals for swollen amygdala clients and other pathologies. #itm #hiteminthemouth #tbpitu @adam
@adam Someone has a bright future as a NA producer. FIGHT for more supercuts!