Well, I'm new here.
It'll take awhile before I get used to posting here or start posting regularly but, in the meantime, here's a poem.
#hithere #poetsonmastadon #poetess #freeverse #shortpoem
So now we're only supposed to pick #7filmstoknowme ? yikes. Well, today, it's:
Thelma and Louise
Galaxy Quest
Everything Everywhere All At Once
Get Out
Sympathy for Lady Vengeance
#hithere #movies #7filmstoknowme
Uh... I'm awkward when it comes to introductions, but... well okay.
I'm Jaquio, proud owner of Jaquio's Mansion
I want to share my work with everyone. I do SFW, but also NSFW and gore. In such cases I will play nice by marking them accordingly, so don't worry.
Anyways... nice to meet you.
Moin! ⚓️🖖
Ok, versuche hier nen Überblick zu bekommen. Etwas Cat Content 🐈 kann ja zu Beginn nicht schaden. 🤔
#Twitterflucht #Newbie #HiThere #catcontent
#Twitterflucht #newbie #hithere #catcontent