Christian Pietsch šŸ‘ · @chpietsch
3807 followers · 13286 posts · Server


I am not an economist but as far as I know, Marx already distinguished "industrial capitalism" from "finance capitalism".

seems to have developed this distrinction further.

Gottfried Feder, the original Nazi party's chief economist, also liked to distinguish between "schaffendes Kapital" and "raffendes Kapital", creating a basis for and .

I wonder how we can use this distinction now without falling into the abyss that is antisemitism.

#hitlerism #strasserism #veblen

Last updated 1 year ago

Johannes Reetz · @JohannesReetz
20 followers · 365 posts · Server

The Echo of in - pervert, pervert: a 13 yr old child create a drawing depicting a mother and her child in the that are attacked by russian missiles. This picture represents fact seen recently in many Ukrainian cities under missilesā€˜ attack. But russian authorities separate the child from her father and are going to prosecute him although his daughter tells the truth about the russian war.

#hitlerism #russia #putin #kremlin #ukraine #russiaisaterrorstate

Last updated 1 year ago

· @lorenzaorlando
6 followers · 20 posts · Server

(... Vs )

Every thing you need to know about ancient Rome...not the names of the 7 Kings


In the book written in 1939. She is 30 years old

Some reflection on the origin of HITLERISM

#simoneweil #hitlerism #kanyewest #hitler #romanempire #culture #religion #perfidy

Last updated 2 years ago